Chapter 17: Returning to Jeju

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Master has me kneel on both knees as he sits in his seat – the very same seat and the very same room where he introduced me to everyone when I decided to stay here and train. He says to me with an obvious sound of discouragement, "Daryl. After all these years, I have never given up on you for trying to get better, to deal with your trauma, to have you heal from your pain...we even welcomed you – and gave you a family, despite your other family never being replaced. But you kept pushing us away, always hateful, and have a lust for revenge...Have you never established my teachings?"

I made no response. I look at him dead in the eyes, not caring about his disappointment.

"You will not be at the graduation ceremony tonight. After the last trial, you are too callous to be a part of our Creed. You will be in the process of recycling, and figuring out what we will do with you. You're dismissed."

I get up and walk out of the room. I see everyone in the square, hanging around and socializing, especially with the five who passed the test. All of them are happy, people are giving them compliments...In sees me out of Master's room. "Guys, guys!" Everyone shifts their attention to me. In and the other four run up to me and ask, "Hey, Daryl! Is everything okay? What did Master say?"

I make no response. I walk away not feeling any remorse about not graduating. I did say I didn't care about this initiation, only that it showed me if I was ready or not. And now that I am ready, it's time. Now I need the perfect opportunity to escape.


A few days passed, and the graduation ceremony had begun.

Everyone is lined up in rows of columns in their training uniforms. The five graduating are up at the front line in front of Master and most of the other leaders. Those who aren't there with Master are still getting treatments for the injuries I inflicted on them. As for me, I hang around in the far back, standing on the patio, leaning against a ceiling pillar with my arms crossed.

"David Choi."

Choi gets up and walks to Master. One of the leaders behind Master passes a sword, an archery set, and an all-black combat uniform, and gives them to Choi, followed by In, Grace, Michelle, and then, Patty.

All five of them are back in their lineup spot with their gear and then Master says, concluding the graduation ceremony, "Congratulations to all five of you for passing the initiation. Over the years, you have all shown and proven that you have the means to fight for our Creed. Your journey from here on out will be long and hard, but as long as you rely on your training and each other, you will overcome any obstacle. From here on out, you are leaders now, so lead, mentor and train your subordinates." Master raises his hands above his head and continues with a dramatic conclusion. "Now you will help us fight the evils and oppression that have plagued this world! And from our triumphs, we will build a better one where no man, woman, or child will be victims anymore, just like the rest of us!" He lowers his hands and ends his speech. "Now, go and celebrate your accomplishment. You have earned it. Everyone dismissed!"

"YES, MASTER!" everyone yells in uniformity, and then everyone walks freely, congratulating the five graduates whereas I walk away, preparing to set my plan.

"Daryl!" Grace comes up to me showing a sympathetic look on her face. "I'm sorry you didn't graduate with us. It wasn't fair for Master to fail you like that."

In comes up behind her. "Yeah, bro, you were, like, the best of us. It's like getting rid of the most powerful weapon we have in our arsenal."

"Guys," Choi joins in. "We know why Master couldn't let him graduate. Since he's still not officially a part of our Creed, he won't be going after those who murdered his family. Eventually, we'll be taking them down without Daryl's involvement. And I think that's for the best, Daryl, because Master was right, you still have that need for vengeance. So, we're gonna go and take care of those people for you. You won't have to worry about getting revenge anymore. You can finally get the closure you deserve."

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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