Chapter 15: The Second Trial

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We traveled a long distance to our destination, but we arrived at the mountains via van, along with snowmobiles each driven by a leader behind us. I still can't confirm why we're here, and why this place has anything to do with the second trial of our test. Fighting in the cold? Hunting a dangerous animal? Ultimately, this trial will involve the cold.

We all get out of the van with our camping gear and our weapons. The skies are as clear as the sun beaming down at us, reflecting the whites from the snow. The winds up here make a faint whistle in the air, feeling the chill breeze piercing my face. I put my hood up. Not that the cold bothers me, but I wear a couple of warming layers inside my leather jacket whereas the others wear coats more appropriate to the weather.

"You should've brought the coat we gave you, Daryl!" says Choi.

I look at him sternly, seeing he's still unable to mind his own damn business after all these years. "I'm fine like this."

We all follow Master Bailey to a large cave inside with a circle of rocks in the middle of what looks to be a firepit. "Everyone, set up your tents around the pit, and be outside in your combat gear in thirty minutes."

We each take our spots surrounding the firepit. In and Grace are on either end of me, as the rest, Choi, Patty, and Michelle.

Setting up our tents took longer than expected but we still had enough time to get dressed inside. With about five minutes left to spare, we all head outside to meet with Master and a few other leaders; James Lee and his wife Sandy, Sung-Hyup Nam, Tony Pak and his brother Peter, and Nurse Esther.

"Gather around," Master orders us. "Each of you will be assigned a leader who they will take you to a specific spot around this location. Afterward, they will give you a flare gun for you to use if you ever decide to concede, and we will come and get you. But, if you decide to give up, you will automatically fail. To pass this trial, you must hunt and successfully kill a predatory animal, and you must give solid proof of your kill. It can be any kind of predator; a wolf, a bear, a lion, and so on. And afterward, you must make your way back up here all on your own. No one will help you unless you use your flare. Any questions?"

"Is there a time limit to this trial?" Michelle asks.

"No, you can take as much time as you need. But be aware, that the sooner we get this done, the sooner we go home. Any more questions?"

"Can we bring anything else besides our weapons? Food, water, camping tools?"

"No, just your weapons. The purpose of this trial is to use what we taught you on how to survive, even in the harshest weather conditions with very limited resources. If you're cold, figure out how to stay warm. If you're hungry, find something to eat. If you're lost, figure out how to navigate. Use your training and use your head. Any other questions?"

"If we find each other, can we work as a team?" In asks.

"You can if you want to, but ultimately, you'll have to determine who deserves the kill and who doesn't. Do not be sympathetic to each other. These trials are to help you see if you deserve to fight for our cause or not. Any more questions?"

Everyone stays quiet.

"Leaders, take them."

"Daryl Kang!" Tony calls me. "You're with me!"

I hop onto his snowmobile, taking me deep into the forest. He stops the vehicle and tells me with content as I get off, "You ready for this, Daryl?"

"Where's the flare gun?" I ask, disgruntled.

"It's right here. And, hey, just so you know, there's no shame if you use this. If you are in trouble, don't hesitate."

I take the flare gun from him and walk away.

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