Chapter 9: Broken

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We've been riding on this motorboat for some time now.

The island we departed was small and mountainous, with cliffs. There were a few buildings on the shores and boats on ramps, making it look like a fishing island. They made that as a front to hide from nearby sailors.

Jeju is right within our sights. I can see the beach and the mansion. The driver had us landing on the shore near those boats. The boats where I hid behind when it all started...

"Stay with the boat, Hyun-Seok," Justin orders the driver as we are getting off. "Do you need help, Daryl?"

I'm already off the boat. I should start by going back to that bedroom. It wouldn't hurt to check it out again. I make my way up this hill, where I see them. Dried blood. All are very faded but still visible. Large patches of them here and there, representing a body. And the most I see is right where I'm standing, on the cement floors of the gazebos – all wrapped in caution tapes. From the closest corner is where Grandma used to lie, and Diana was right here beside me. I can see her lying here. The look in her eyes just moments before her death, the pain and fear she expresses in them as Diana is choking on her blood until she stops, now looking cold and lifeless. I can feel both of my hands drenched in her blood –



The gunshots and screams are all echoing loudly in my head. My heart is suddenly starting to pound! I feel my breath getting shorter and shorter, trying my absolute hardest to take in as much air as possible! But the more I breathe, the more I hear the screams and the gunshots!

"Oh –!" The sharp pain in my heart!

"Daryl?! Daryl!" Justin places me against the wall, having him face me. "Take deep breaths! Breathe in your nose...and out your mouth!"

Breathe in my nose and out my mouth! Breathe in my nose and out my mouth! Breathe in my nose...and out my mouth....! Breathe in...and out...! In...and out...! "Hah..." I'm calming down surprisingly quickly...but my chest still hurts.

"You alright?" Justin asks.

I nod as I'm still catching my breath while rubbing my chest.

"Okay, then you've seen enough. Let's return to the boat and get you back to bed."

"No..." I pant.

"Daryl, you panicked just now. If your heart begins to race, then your chest wound will worsen. That's why I told you it was unwise to come back here. So, let's get back."

"I said no!" I raise my voice at him.

"Daryl," Justin tries to plead with me, "please, for your sake, we should go!"

"Not until I find her!" I shout frustratingly.

"Daryl..." he pauses to gather his thoughts, "you have to listen. I told you there's something I need to tell you, but you didn't let me have the chance to –"

"Oh, for fuck sake!" I harshly interrupt as I approach the house's front entrance. "I don't care! I don't care about what you have to say! I only care about finding her! Now, help me get this board out of the way so I can get inside –!" Wait a minute, board? I look at the whole front of the house; every window is boarded up. But why? Somehow, I feel that maybe this whole place has been abandoned. It does explain why someone would seal the place up. But that doesn't make sense. All this happened just a few days ago. So, why – no. I don't care. Just get in the house and find Lauren.

I should back up. Give Justin the room to open up.

He reaches inside his black robes and takes out a knife. It looks like a samurai sword but smaller – more dagger-sized. He plunges the blade in between the boards and starts cracking them open.

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