Chapter 3: The Dark Half

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It's been about two months since Mom and Dad had left for work. The two weeks of winter break were undoubtedly fun while it lasted. But now that we're back in school, things are still the same here.

And, you know, on our first day back, I did promise myself that I'd beat Brandon up for laying his hands on Lauren. And that's what I did after we got out of the bus. I got a detention for it, of course. And the principal told Pam that if I ever fight again, they'd kick me out of this school...which is unbelievable.

So, after Pam talked with the principal, she reasoned with me to not get into a fight again. Instead, if there's any trouble, tell on a teacher...which I don't understand why she would say that. I told her that I have done that – multiple times. And each time I did so, the teachers just blew me off like they didn't want to help me.

However, Pam was always persuasive. If she wants me to tattle-tell, then fine. I'll give it another try if I come across someone like Brandon – or especially Cody.

Cody is another bully I currently have to deal with but, out of all the bullies I faced, he is always the easiest to beat up – and the most annoying of all.

For a guy who is blonde, buzz-cut hair, pale skin, thin lips, and a small set of blue eyes, he's the skinniest of all bullies, who likes to act all tough. And that's what makes him so pathetic. Whenever we fight, he would pretend to be in a lot of pain by whining like a baby. Seriously, what kind of a tough guy would cry during a fight –?


It's time for recess. Knowing Cody, he'll just try to find me again. As always, I hide in the playground or behind a bush; since Pam told me to not fight again.

At least I won't have to worry about Lauren, since all students at different grade levels have separate lunch and recess period. But even with her not being here, he'll always give me a reason to beat him up.

And as much as I want to, I also want to trust Pam on this, but she has no idea. She has no idea that fighting is the answer. But if she doesn't want me to fight, I won't fight. But for me to do that, hiding from him is my best play. It has been working so far, and it's working right now as I'm seeing Cody walking by as I'm hiding inside the playground.

Look at him...walking like a tough guy...

He's far enough away now. Don't have to hide anymore then. Just walk the opposite way.

But honestly, how long can I keep this up? I can't just keep avoiding, running away, or even ignoring these bullies while they're after me. It's driving me crazy –!

I hear someone running towards me from behind – it's Cody! He must've spotted me when I wasn't looking! What do I do now?! Run?! It's the only thing I can do at the moment! But now he's chasing me! So, what do I do this time?! I can't keep running if he's just going to keep chasing me! Should I fight him just to make him stop?! No! No fights! But what other option is there?! Telling?! No, definitely not! But if telling won't do, then fighting is the only way! Yeah, it is the only way! Then stop running! I'm going to pulverize this – but no, Pam –!

"GAH – OH!"

I just had to hesitate! I could've avoided his tackle if it wasn't for – you know what, forget about it! I got to get up! But once I'm on my hands and knees, Cody climbs right on my back and just lays there!

"Give up?!"

Come on! You know you can take him! If it's because of Pam, just get her out of your head, and start beating his –!

"Agh!" He just shoved a handful of snow on my face! I can't help but lift my hand up to wipe them off, but that immediately made me lose my balance! "Agh...!" Now I have my entire face against the ground full of snow!

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