Chapter 15

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Muskan completed as silent tears continued to pour down her eyes she looked around for the reaction of the members, Laxmi and nandini were silently crying in their husbands shoulder. Where as shahveer was very emotional and Rudra genuinely felt bad for her.

Raghav was in rage he could only see red. It felt like he will kill someone that instant. Shahveer cleared his throat before speaking

"beta you don't have to worry from now. You have us, it is our responsibility to protect you, he can never reach you again, we would like a file a police complaint if you agree." He said. Muskan was shocked she doesn't want to get involved in crime matters. She shook her head gently.

"Mishi baba is right, we should file a complaint, not now whenever you would like. But we have to do it, a criminal can't stay outside the door" raghav said trying to make her understand. She nodded her head.

Everyone left the room wanting to give the couple some privacy and all of them were tired.
Raghav shifted them into the bed before pulling the comforter on them. He hugged her closely to his chest.

"You are so strong mishi. You are the bravest women i know baby. I am so proud, you fought with everything so strongly" he softly whispered in her ears while stroking her belly. Making her sigh in happiness. She hummed in response.

She was so tired and her sore feets were aching but she kept quiet and tried to sleep.

"Good night dear husband" she said smilingly. He chuckled in response before kissing her forehead and wishing her good night.

He kept watching her fall asleep, if anyone saw him they would call him a creep. But he can't help his wife was just too beautiful to look away.

Getting up from the bed he bought the oil which the doctor prescribed to apply if the feets are swollen.

He gently kissed her little toes, before applying oil on her feets and massaging it. He smiled watching her. He kissed her belly.

"Hello baby, this is your father. You know your mother is a fighter, she is so brave. You should be more like your mother rather than me. Your father was so stupid to neglect the two most precious gem of my life. I am so sorry Mera bacha. But now baba promises to give you all everything. Every happiness of this world" he talked to his baby while snuggling into her belly. And looks like the baby was interested in listening to their father. It kicked.

And muskan woke up. Caressing her belly trying to calm the little one down but looks like the baby has another plans.. it kicked again.

Raghav chuckled and muskan glared at him with her puppy eyes. He understood she was tired and needed rest.
He cuddled her putting her face into his chest rubbing her back. Her breath tickled his neck. He liked the feeling. He felt peace. This was his family now.

He was grateful that muskan finally accepted him. Now he will not make any stupid mistake to loose her.

Few days passed everything was going well. Raghav would never leave a chance to makeout with her but the problem was he stops after making out. Muskans hormones reacted on its peak. She needed more but she was just too shy to say.

Now it was reflecting on her face. So nandini once asked her. And muskan indirectly told her. Ofcourse our queen of boldness understood everything. Nandini told muskan that she needed to seduce her husband, and somehow she managed to convence muskan.

This leaded them both to shopping. They were in lingerie shop with bodygaurds ofcourse but they were too shy to enter so they stood outside. Now muskan was rethinking her decision that piece of cloth would barely cover her body. She was too embarrassed to wear it in front of Raghav.

Yet again nandini conevnced her. No gain without pain 🌚. So after hours of shopping. Nandini continued to instruct her how to seduce her poor husband who will end up having blue balls if he controlled himself.

Now everything was ready, they waited for the night. As raghav entered he saw nandini there,

"where's muskan bhabhi" he asked not seeing his wife. She was always there when she came back home what happened today.

"She was tired so she went to sleep" nandini replied and rushed to the kitchen to bring food not wanting any questioning.

Raghav found it weird but nevertheless nodded his head. Poor boy not having a slightest idea what he was going to see today.

Here's the update. So as you can guess next chapter will be smut. And i am going to use 21+ gifs and pics so if you are uncomfortable. Please skip the next two chapters. There is no need to throw hate comments. The chapters are going to be erotic. 🌚
Till then take care
Bye bye

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