Wally's Ring

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Wally's ring

The clock on the wall ticked about at a leisurely pace. Every second felt like a minute and every minute felt like an hour. It was a torture device, I decided. Most of my day was spent watching it. It felt like the clock was taunting me or something, reminding me that five thirty was too far away, but now I only had a few more minutes left until I could high-tail it out of here. I loved my job, there was no doubt about that. I got to talk to all kinds of people daily and help them solve their problems.

I'm the head director in the Human Resource Center for Wayne Industries. Sure, Bruce got me the job, Wayne Industries is in fact his business, but I'd like to think it's my work ethic that keeps me the job.

Right now, I sat in my office looking over some complaints on the new military flashlight the company had created two weeks ago. There was something wrong with the switch. Sometimes the light wouldn't turn on when the switched was clicked. There have been a couple hundred flashlights come in since yesterday, all seeming to come from the same shipment, forcing the whole department to go into a semi-frenzy. There was only a small portion of products defected compared to the million flashlights sent out. It's been a while since we've gotten any major complaints on our products so it's been a little hectic these past two days, but it's nothing that will kill us. Usually when a customer sends in a complaint, the department will get back the product with a reason for its defect and it's the department's job to check over it, fix it and send it back or send the customers a refund. Because I'm head of the department I don't normally do this, my job mostly consists of identifying staffing needs, hiring/firing employees and setting up appointment with other companies who buy Wayne technology, but today I wanted to do something a little more hands-on to try to detract myself from the clock and tonight's events.

"Mr. Grayson?" I looked up from tinkering with the bulb to see my secretary Morgan Burton standing in the doorframe. She wore a long-sleeved navy blue dress and her blonde hair was tied into a perky ponytail.

"Come in, Morgan." She nodded once and walked to the empty seat in front of my desk, her sparkly high heels clicked against the hardwood floor. She picked up the picture of Wally and I that sits at my desk and looked at it before sitting down in the chair.

"Two things, sir. First there's a new company looking into buying some products from us in a small amount. The company's called Adelie and they claim to be a military company, but I've never heard of them before and when I searched the name online nothing came up."

"What products are they wanting?"

"Some of the new flashlights and some bombshells. The amount of bombs they want seem kind of small for an army. I'm afraid this company maybe wanting them for different reasons. When I asked about it the man on the phone got snippy and wouldn't give me a straight answer on what they needed the products for." I rubbed my hand over my chin and leaned back in my chair. This company might be something that Batman and I need to look into. If this Adelie company was being mealy-mouthed about the truth than they must be up to no good.

"Very observation, Morgan, thank-you. I'll talk to Bruce and see if we can find some information on them. Is that all?"

"Oh the second thing, your boyfriend is on hold." She smiled a little too brightly. I tried not to roll my eyes at the obvious 'fan girl' that stood before me. The day she meant Wally and ultimately the day she found out I was gay was probably the greatest thing she learned about her boss. At work I didn't really find it necessary to inform people of my sexuality, it was just one of those things that I didn't bring up to anyone unless otherwise asked. Usually people assume the picture of Wally and I that sat on my desk was a photo of two best friends. Ever since Morgan found out she's been asking about Wally every day and like she did earlier I've found that she loves looking at the photo of Wally and I every time she comes in my office. I know she means well, but it gets annoying sometimes.

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