The Definition of Embarrassment

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The Definition of Embarrassment.

"Last one there has to pay for lunch!" I yelled to my best friend Carla who was a few feet behind me. With both our hands full of Carla's shopping bags we ran down 5th street to our favorite Italian restaurant, Pepper's. Earlier Carla had suggested this race, claiming she was faster than me, but clearly, she was wrong.

"I see that smug look on your face! Don't count me out yet, Grayson!" Carla yelled and I could feel her intense stare at the back of my head.

"I don't need to count, I already know I've won!" I heard her growl and that just made my smirk grow. Carla was crazy if she thought she was going to win this race. I gripped the shopping bag handles tighter so the clothes wouldn't fly out and zoomed past a young couple. They gave me the stink eye, but I didn't care because I was going to win this race.

I rounded the corner, the familiar black and red building coming into view. I was so close to the sacred place that I could already taste the ultra-cheese pizza that we always ordered. Just thinking about the gooey, melted cheese on top of tomato sauce and bread made my mouth water. It was exactly what I needed especially since I had to be Carla's pack mule all day long. After going to four clothing stores, two shoes stores, and a jewelry store I deserved this pizza.

Just as I was about to make it to Pepper's, Carla comes out of nowhere riding on a skate board that I know she didn't have before this race. Her pink hair whipped around behind her and she gave me the peace sign. I dashed after her to try and catch up, but it was too late, she had already made it to the front door. Ugh, she's such a cheater!

I stomped over to her while she was doing a horrible victory dance. She was twirling her hair around and shaking her butt in an unattractive way.

"You cheated!" I grabbed her arm to make her stop dancing.

"No, I didn't!"

"Yes, you did!"

"I never said there was any rules against using a skateboard." She stuck her tongue out at me and crossed her arms over her chest. I rolled my eyes. She can be such a child sometimes.

"But, I thought this was going to be a clean race. You know the one I should have won!"

"How long have you known me? I always play dirty, baby." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. I shook my head and smiled. She was such a freak, but a freak with a point. Carla can't even play a simple card game of Uno without looking at my cards while I'm in the bathroom.

"Fine, I'll pay for lunch." I sighed. "By the way where did you get that skateboard?"

"Oh, I found it."

"You mean you stole it? Somebody could be looking for it!"

"Chill, dude. I'll just sit it right here so they can find it." She placed the skateboard against the building and started to head inside.

"You're such a bad influence, I don't even know why I hang out with you."

"Oh come on, Dick, you love me."

"Whatever, let's just go." I said and opened the door to Pepper's. We walked in and instantly my nose was greeted with the strong aroma of garlic and yeast. My own personal heaven would smell exactly like this. Carla and I probably looked like that rat in Ratatouille with our noses twitching in the air smelling all the wonderful smells.

"Table for two?" The blonde-headed hostess asked.

"Yes and could we get a booth, please?" Carla asked.

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