Prom: A disaster to remember.

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*Just an FYI they are not superheroes in this story. Just normal high school kids. Enjoy!*

"Smile." Mrs. West says while pushing Sara and Wally together for yet another picture. Wally wraps his arm around Sara's waist and they both pose elegantly.

I stand awkwardly off to the side watching the two smiling brightly. They looked so content with each other it made me kind of sick.

Sara looked really pretty with her hair all made into an up-do and the blue sequin dress she wore showed off her girlish figure perfectly. It's hard not to say I'm jealous of Sara right now. I really wish I was Wally's date instead of her. Have him wrap his arms around my waist instead of hers.

I know I shouldn't think like this. Wally is my best friend, my best bud forever. It's just lately I've noticed these little things about him that I've never paid attention to before or maybe just chose to ignore. Like how great he looks in that tux or the red stubble on his chin that I find extremely sexy.


"Okay. Let's have one with Wally and Dick." Wally faces me with a wide grin.

"Catch me, Bro." Wally runs and jumps in my arms. Unprepared I almost fall backward, but sI find my balance. For someone so tall and skinny Wally is pretty heavy. I hold him bridal style as best as I can while his mom snaps the picture of us laughing.

"Okay, now a serious one, boys." Wally gets down and then we stand side by side. Since Wally is like a foot taller than me, I place my hand on his lower back while he drapes his arm over my shoulder. Standing so closely I breathe in the old spice cologne he always wears and smile.


"Aww, how cute."

Wally's cheeks turn a slight pink and he starts fidgeting with his bow-tie. "Are we done?"

"Yeah, I guess, but be carefu..." Before Mrs. West can finish her sentence, Wally and Sara are already walking out the door. She sighs. "I really hate when he does that."

"Yeah, I know. Well goodbye, Mrs. West." I say about to follow them out until she grabs my hand.

"Dick? Can I talk you to you for a minute?" I nod once and sit on the couch. She sits beside me and holds my hand.

"Please tell me you'll have fun tonight with Carla and your other friends."

"I will and with Wally too." She gives me a half-smile, but her eyes look sad.

"I just don't want you to get hurt hanging around Wally, okay?" This wasn't making any sense to me. Wally and I have been friends since we were kids. Now, his mom doesn't want us to hang out because she's afraid I'm going to get hurt and by what? Wally would never hurt me. 

"I don't understand."

"You're just such a great guy, Dick. Don't forget that." She pats my hand and stands up. She kisses the top of my head and then leaves through the kitchen. What was that all about?

A car horn blares outside. Knowing it's probably Wally, I walk out to my car and jump in. Sara and Wally have already made themselves comfortable in the back seat. I rev the engine and back out of the driveway, already I feel like their damn chauffeur.

Sara and Wally start whispering to each other, but I don't pay attention because my mind is elsewhere. I am thinking about the conservation with Mrs. West. It almost sounds like she knows something. Like she knows I like her son... Oh gosh. I hope that's not the case because I don't want her to tell Wally. I sneak a glance in the rear-view mirror. Sara and Wally are no longer talking, but making-out.

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