Sidekick Camp

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A/N The setting is at Sidekick Camp but has nothing to do with ‘I thought you were asleep’ story. Thanks to everyone who vote, comments and puts this one shot book in their reading lists! And a huge thanks to my followers! :) 


“So are you all set?” My uncle Barry asked me. I nodded my head twice and adjusted the strap of my gym bag. Today was the day I was going to sidekick camp for the first time. It’s a huge camp for superheroes’ sidekicks that is supposed to test how skillful you are in combat and agility. Well, that’s what it said on the pamphlet anyway.

I was excited, but really nervous. Sidekicks from all around the world come here and to say the least I was intimated. I’ve only become Kid Flash two years ago while everyone else has trained for years. “You have your deodorant, clothes, your costume, underwear…”

              “Yes! I have everything Barry. Can you please go now?” I love Barry, but he is an expert at embarrassing others with me being his number one victim.

              “Alright, alright. I get it. I’m cramping Kid’s style. I guess I’ll leave.” I tried to hide the smile on my face. The sooner I get away from him the better.

              “Okay, bye.” I said and started to walk off.

              “Hold up there, KF. You got to give the old man a hug.” I rolled my eye. Just having him here for another ten seconds would lead me into murdering him. I gave him a quick hug and dashed away before he could say something else.

              Entering the Cafeteria my eyes scanned the different people sitting amongst each other. Some sidekicks wore colorful costumes while others just wore street clothes. Everyone was talking at the same time so it was really loud in here. I wanted to make at least one friend here, but choosing someone to walk up to and say hi to rang difficult. I was about to sit at an empty table when someone called my name.

“KF!” I looked to my left to a familiar face. Aqualad. He was sitting with two blonde-headed girls. He waved me over. I started to head his way when I bumped into someone. I landed flat on my butt. When I got a glimpse of the guy who knocked me down my mouth about gaped open. This guy was beautiful. He had short, dark hair styled in a tousled mess on top of his head and crystal blue eyes.

“Watch where you’re going next time.” He said and all attractiveness I had for him was shattered into a million pieces. He stepped around me and walked off.    

              “Are you alright?” Aqualad offered his hand and helped me to my feet.

"Yeah, I think so. Who was that?"

"Dick Grayson, you know Robin." I almost chocked on my own spit.

"Robin like as in Batman's Robin?"

"Yeah as you just saw he's kind of a jerk."


Short Stories of Dick Grayson & Wally West [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now