The Dynamic Duo

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“Come on Dick! You have to meet him.” Carla exclaims. All day she has been bugging me about going out with this guy Wally.

“Carla, I said no.” She doesn’t know when to shut up. I get a headache every time she bring him up. Every day I tell her no, but she is as persistent as they get. This all started when she meet this dude at a party and she just got this stupid idea in her head to set us up. She tries to hook me up with these guy, but I don’t want to date. I have more important things in life like saving people’s lives.

“His name is Wally West.” She continues. “He is twenty-four years old and he’s like 6’2 that’s pretty tall and I know how you love being bottom. He’s definitely your type.”

“Seriously shut-up Carla. Don’t you have papers to file or something?”

“Please. Just this once will you go out with him? I’ve been talking to him for a while now and he seems pretty nice. One night out of your ponderous life will not kill you. If it doesn’t work out I promise I will never say anything ever again.” Yeah, right. I can’t even imagine her not talking about my nonexistent love life.

My life is far from boring as Carla says. She only sees me as Dick Grayson, her friend and coworker. I’m an Insurance rep by day, but I’m Nightwing by night. After I graduated from High school I was past fed up with Bruce’s rules. Every mission he was always babying me around. So I dropped the whole ‘Robin’ deal and became Nightwing. Bruce was furious, but he couldn’t change the fact that I could do things on my own now. I’m pretty sure the only reason he was pissed was because he couldn’t boss me around like he always did. I’m a grown-ass man now. If I want to fight crime without Batman so be it.

   “Carla, I’m just busy okay.” I say once again. I should record my voice and have it repeat itself every time she asks.

“You say that every day.” She rolls her brown eyes. She was lending against my desk with her head laying in her palms.

“And yet you still haven’t taken a hint.” I said packing my things in my satchel. Five o’clock finally. The last thing I want to do is stay here and listen to Carla. Like I told her multiple times before I’m busy. I have other thing to do. Things that do not involve boyfriends. “If I say it once, I’ll say it again I’m not interested in a relationship. Besides if I want to get laid I will just go to a gay bar and pick someone up. Simple.”

“You and I both know you suck at hooking up with guy. You’re not getting any younger. Where is the guy from back in high school who use to get all the men?” I gave her a strange look. Really? Who the hell is she talking about? I know she isn’t talking about me. I’ve only hooked up with one guy. “Alright, fine that wasn’t you, but I’ve always thought you would be the one to marry and be settled down with an awesome husband.”  

“Carla, I’m shy when it comes to flirting with guys. You of all people should know that.” I gather up the last pieces of paper and slide them in a folder. Then I open the filing cabinet and put it in the right slot.  

“I know Dick. That’s why I want to set you up with him.” She grabs her phone. “Here look at him. Don’t tell me you don’t think he is attractive.” She raised her phone to me. Wally was pretty handsome. It was a picture of Carla and him at the party I guess. They both had beer in their hands. He had the reddest hair I’ve ever seen. It made him look almost childish, but in a good way.

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