I Thought you were Asleep part II

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(Kid Flash)

"What the fuck are you doing?" Robin yelled standing up from his bed. He had a grim look on his face, like the kiss disgusted him. Caught in the act, KF's face turned bright red.

"I can explain!" KF stood up too and tried to come up with a reason, but couldn't because of Robin's intense stare. "Um, I like you." He whispered.

"What?" It was becoming difficult for KF to breathe.

"I like you, okay. You were asleep and I just wanted to see how it would be to kiss you. I'm sorry." The red head didn't dare look up.

"Get out!" Robin yelled again.

"But, Robin."

"I said get the fuck out!" He grabbed KF by the wrist and pushed him out the room. He then slammed the door in his face.

Tears ran down KF's face. The love of his life doesn't love him back. Stupid, he thought. He was so stupid to think that Robin would ever love him. Why did he even kiss Robin in the first place?

With a heavy heart Kid Flash walked to the living room. Alfred was in there cleaning up, so KF walked passed him into the dining room and sat down. He put his head on the table and sobbed. He could probably fill a bucket with how many tears he shed.

"Master Wally?" Alfred spoke. KF covered his head with his hands so Alfred wouldn't see his tear-filled eyes.

"Hey, Alfred." KF's muffled voice said.

"Are you alright?" Wally could hear the worry in his voice, but it would be too embarrassing to tell Alfred his problem. He didn't want to embarrass Robin any further either.

"Oh, it's nothing."

"It didn't sound like nothing up there. I may be just the old butler, but I still have ears." If it wasn't bad enough as it is, Alfred had to hear the whole thing! KF was sure all of Gotham heard the pathetic scene also.

The water works came back and KF couldn't stop them this time. "I'm such an oaf. A mistake to humanity. Robin hates me. I gross him out to no end. He will probably never talk to me all because I couldn't keep my teenage hormones to myself."

Alfred walked over to the sobbing boy and placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's alright Wally. There are other birds in the sky." Kid Flash couldn't help, but laugh a little through his sobs.


Robin sat on his bed. He could hear KF's sobs in the hallway, but he didn't care. He was too angry. Why did KF kiss him? He had no clue Kid Flash liked him or much less was gay! Thinking about it now how did he not see the signs. At sidekick camp KF would always buy him little snack cakes, even though Robin never asked for them. He would even follow Robin around. Everywhere Robin went KF was sure to follow. Robin just thought KF was a loner, so he never said anything about it. If he had known about the little crush back then he would of stopped it.

What made the situation even worse was Robin actually enjoyed the kiss. The truth is Robin wasn't asleep. When he heard his door open, he closed his eyes. He knew it was KF coming to yell at him or get him back for tying him up, but when KF kissed Robin it caught him by surprise. He actually kissed him back too. Robin then came to his 'straight' senses and pulled away, but just as quick he wished he hadn't. It was kind of sweet, but did that kiss make Robin a faggot too? The thought made him sick. He couldn't be gay, only women turned him on, but the more he thought about the kiss the less he thought about kissing another chick.



The next few days returned to normal. The Joker was caught and Gotham City was safe again. KF still could not get over Robin. He spent more time thinking about Robin than he had previously and it was becoming irritating. The more he thought about Robin the more he cried and the more he cried the more pathetic he felt.

After school Dick took the train to Central City to see KF. He felt bad about how he treated KF the other day, so he decided he was going to apologize.

The past couple of nights were brutal for Dick, he couldn't sleep. The guilt and lust were gnawing at him. His mind would always wonder to the yellow sidekick. His eyes, his lips and the curve of his nose was a beautiful sight to him. It scared him to no end. He wasn't supposed to be thinking about a guy like that, it just wasn't right. What would his friends think? What would Bruce or Alfred think?

When he got to KF's suburban house, he was a nervous wreck. His palms were sweaty and his mind was racing. Why was he so nervous if he only was going to apologize?

He knocked on the door and Wally's uncle answered it.

"Dick? Hey!" The tall man greeted.

"Hello, Barry. Is Wally home?" Dick asked.

"Yeah, come in. He is in his room." Dick walked down the hallway to Wally's room. When he got to the door he could hear soft moaning and his name being whispered. He quietly opened the door. Wally was on his bed with his hand in his pants. Robin's heart skipped and his dick twitched from the sight. KF moaned Robin's name one last time before he finished off.

"Seriously dude. After what happened you still jack-off to me?" Wally jumped and scrambled to zip up his pants. Embarrassment was written on his face. Would he ever wake from this nightmare?

"Robin, what are you doing here?" KF said out of breathe. He looked defeated. His eyes were red and puffy. His posture was sluggish unlike his normal towering stance. Robin instantly felt bad about making KF cry. KF wouldn't even look Robin in his eyes. Robin walked closer to the younger boy and lifted his chin.

"I'm sorry." Dick said.

"For what? I'm the one who kissed you without your permission." He pulled away from Robin and sat down on his bed. "You hate me, just admit. You're just trying to be the good guy and apologize."

"Wally, I don't hate you." Robin said. Robin's lips brushed against KF's.

The kiss wasn't like their first kiss. It wasn't sweet nor gentle, but desperate. Like they needed each other in that moment. KF's head soared and his heart picked up speed. Robin was kissing him! He wanted this to last as much as possible, so he wrapped his arms around Robin's neck and laid back so Robin was on top of him. Robin wanted KF, more then he would like to admit, but the passion he put in the kiss was apparent. Robin's hand slid down KF's stomach and to his jean buckle.

"Let me show you what it really feels like to moan my name." Robin whispered in KF's ear. A shiver ran down KF's spine. Robin unbuckled KF's tight pants. He pulled his pants and boxers down in one swift movement.

"Wait, Robin you don't have to."

"No, I want to." Robin then took KF in his mouth.


The only sound in the room was Robin and KF's heavy breathing. They were both drenched in sweat. KF's head rested on Robin's chest. He could hear his heartbeat and it made him smile. The constant thump was like KF's own personal song. One he hoped only he would ever hear. Even though at this moment KF loved Robin more, deep down he hoped one day Robin would love him just the same.

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