He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not-Book 2-Chapter 10

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"Where can we go?' i asked Maggie.

"Back to the cell block," she said.

When we walked in Walkers were piling into the room. "Shit," she whispered and turned us around. 'Go back now," she said.

We found safety in a type of boiler room. The siren things were quiet in here but something was wrong with Lori. "What's wrong?' i asked.

''The baby," she said in pain.

''We need to get her to Hershal."

"there isn't time," Lori said.

"What can we do?"

"We need to get you liad down," Maggie said.

"No, standing up speeds up the progesress."

Maggie looked at me. "What do I do?" she asked.

''I don't knwo," I paniked and looked at Lori.

"Get her pants off, now," I said and pulled my white over-shirt over my head.

''We'll need something for the baby," I siad.

Lori held onto something hanging from the wall as she screamed. "Lori stop, there's too much blood," Maggie whispered.

"Get her on the ground and try to push, not too hard."

Maggie helped Lori to the ground. "Check her dialation," I said.

''How can I tell?'

"You'll know."

Maggie did as I said but her face fell. '' I don't feel anything, what does that mean?"

"It means you'll have to cut my baby out."

"What, no," Maggie said.

"How can we do that without killing you?" i asked.

"You can't," Lori panted.

''We don't have proper training, Carol was the one who did this."

"We don't have a choice, I'm not losing this baby," Lori said.

''Can you hold off until we can get back to Hershal?" I asked.

She let out a yell of pain and i looked at Maggie. "what do we do?" I asked.

''We don't have anything but a gun," she said.

"Carl has a knife."

''Mom,'' Carl whispered.

"Baby boy come here," she whispered and brought him down to her.

"Let's give them a second," I told Maggie, pulling her up with me towards the cornor of the room.

"We can't do this," Maggie said.

"It's what she wants," I said.

"It will kill her," Maggie whispered.

"We have to listen to what she wants, I don't want to do this, i don't, but-"

"Maggie, Aly," Lori said from her spot on the floor.

the two of us turned to see Carl crying over his mother. Carl handed Maggie the knife and I looked at him. "You don't need to see this," I told him.

"I have no choice."

"carl, go to the corner," I whispered.

'Carl, go, please, I don't want you to have to remember me like this," Lori said.

Carl started sobbing as he made his way over to the corner. I took Lori's hand and she grasped it tightly. "I love you baby boy," Lori said and I squeezed her hand back.

"Are you sure you wnat to do this?"

"Yes, maggie, please, before it's too late."

'Do you want me to?" I asked Maggie.

Maggie was shaking and looked at me. She didn't have to say anything before I put my hnads over hers, taking the knife from her. "Take her hand," I ordered.

Maggie and I switched places and I pulled up Llori's shirt enough to where I could get to her stomach. "Go ahead," Lori said.

"I'm sorry," I said, lettinfg some tears slip from my eyes.

I palced the knife against her pale stomach before making a quick, deep, clean slice, trying to ignore her loud screams. When her voice cut off I grabbed Maggie. "I need you to keep the sack clean while I try to keep the baby out."

She nodded and stuck her hands in, trying to hold back the vomit. I cut open the sack and pulled the baby out. I looked at Maggie after realizing the baby wasn't crying. "What do I do?!" I cried out.

Maggie took the baby in her hands and patted on the babys foot. Nothing. She rubbed it's back and we both sighed when the baby's cries filled the room.

I looked at Carl as he walked from the room after the gunshot. He looked unphased as he walked ahead of Maggie and I. She was shaking so badly that I took the little girl from her arms. "Go ahead," I whispered.

She sobbed as she walked ahead of me. She opened the door and the sunlight made my eyes water even worse than they were. When we walked out everyone was looking at the three of us...well four of us. The baby was crying loudly in my arms and Rick was looking.

"What?" he barely asked.

He went past us but was stopped by Maggie. "Rick," she whispered.

One look at Carl and Rick was on the ground crying. I wanted to collapse next to him but instead, since I was holding the baby, I finally let a cascade of tears fall down my cheeks. "Where's Lori?" Hershal asked.

Maggie shook her head and I started shaking. "Someone take her."

Beth took her from my arms and I wiped my face which smeered blood all over my face. "I'm going to change, maybe get this blood off, then make a run."

"I can handle it," Glenn said.

"No, it has to be me," I snapped before walking back into the prison. TBC

AN: So, for some reason, I cry whenever Lori's death comes around. But this shows that Aly's humanity is back. Hopefully you liked this one as much as I loved writing it.

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