He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not-Book 2-Chapter 23

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I ran my finger over the clean knife blade. "You know Gov, I trhought you were smarter than that, better than turning your back to someone."

"You better let me out of here."

I smirked. "Or what? You gonna attack me?" I teased in a little kids voice. "I don't think so, its time to get some pay back you sorry son of a bitch."

"You don't have it in you to torture me, you don't have the guts."

I stood, placing the knife onto the top button of his shirt. I popped it off, going down his shirt one by one until I spread it open. "Then I guess you don't know me at all," I replied back before making a clean slice on his chest, sending blood trinkling down his torso. He made a loud grunt while gripping onto the aqrms of the chairs tightly. "You tortured me for days, I felt pain for so long....you don't know how good this feels."

"Please, don't do this to me," he said, in a some-what begging tone.

"How can you beg for your life right now? After everything you've done you don't have any right to beg for anything," I hissed and sliced him again.

As I dug the knife deeper my eyes went towards a pair of pliers on the counter, I smirked and grabbed them. "Let's start with your fingernails."

I dropped the last fingernail onto the table and looked at him and his tear stained face. "I made you scream more than you made me, how pathedic is that?" I snapped.


I screamed and shoved the knife deep into his chest. I pulled it out and he yelled. "Stop talking, you don't have any right for that."

I dind't know how long we were in here for but I could tell you that he wasn't reconizable anymore. I cut up his face, leaving only his available eye, cut up his chest, legs. I cut off his toes, fingers, one ear, and anything else you could imagine (Sorry, I ddin't want to go into too much detail on a certian detal...).

I ignored the open door and continued cutting on the governor. "Aly?" Milton's voice asked.

I turned to him, my hands shaking, and my eyes bloodshot. "Oh my god, Aly, what have you done?"

I smiled lightly before looking back at the pthedic Governor. "I took care of him, like I said I would."

"I didn't mean for you to torture him, I just said to kill him!" he shouted.

"He deserved it for what he did to me, to Maggie, Glenn, everyone he killed, I owed it to them!" I shouted.

"No you didn't, what he did was horrible but this isn't you."

"I don't know who I am anymore," I admitted before looking at the Governor.

"Milton, please," he begged, barely able to talk.

"Go Milton, I have one last thing to do before I kill him."

"I won't let you do anything else."

"Milton, I thank you for everything you've done but you need to go before I kill you myself," when I didn't hear a door open I spun around and I had a gun to my face. I smirked. "Go ahead, kill me, I was gonna kill myself anyways."

He put his gun down. "No, I'm getitng you back to your firends."

"They escaped? Including Daryl?"

"Yeah, led Martinez away from the highways after the blo0wup."


"The prison blew up."

"Oh my god, did any of them die?"

"Only one I could see."



"Oh god, what happened?"

"I don't know, all I saw was Daryl shoot him."

"He must be," I stopped, turnoing back to the Governor. "I need to get to them now don't I?"

"Yeah, you do."

I pulled my gun out of the elastic of my panties before pointing it ayt his head. "Maybe I'll see you in hell," I spat before pulling the trigger. The weight in my stomach left as his brain splattered all over the wall. I smiled and turned to Milton.

When he pulled up to the highway everyone was there. I hoped out, not caring how bloody I was, and ran. Tears sprang into my eyes as I jumped onto Daryl. "I-I actually thought you were a goner," he whispered in my ear, hugging me tightly.

"Me too, but we're fine, we're all fine now," I informed, pulling back from him and looking at the remainder off the group.

"Oh my god," Maggie whispered as she finally looked me over.

"Ain't as bad as it looks," I lied.

"He did this to you?" Hershal asked.

I nodded. "But everything's fine now," I whispered. "He's dead." TBC

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