Chapter 14

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Tina squealed and ran in place. "We just did that! You just did that! I'm so proud of you!"

Mike gave a small smile with a blush. He was so filled with love for her. She gave him the courage to do what he just did. They'd just sung a duet (of Nat King Cole's L.O.V.E) and he'd let go of all of his inhibitions and just... felt. It was exhilarating. "Thanks, babe."

"We have to show the club!"

"No, no, no." He was shaking his head before she even finished.

"Why not?!" She could cry.

"Because." He thought it'd be obvious.

"You had a duet last year in a national singing competition. And won!"

He blushed hardcore. "Mercy covered my voice."

She looked at him softly.

"T." He groaned, knowing he was going to give in.

Her bottom lip trembled. "Why don't you see yourself the way we all do?"

"Please don't cry, T."

A tear broke free.

He gathered her up in his arms. "Okay. We can perform for the club."

She hugged him tightly, trying not to cry for real.


The club loved Tike's romantic oblation. They cheered and clapped and gave a standing ovation for what they knew was hard for both performers.

"That was Nationals material!" Mr. Shue approved.

Both blushed but bowed.


"Who are you taking to the party?" Brittany yawned. Her son kept her up at all times of the day and night and she was tired. But her parents were watching him now so she could have date night with Artie and technically Santana because she joined them most nights.

Santana shrugged. Sugar was throwing a Valentine's Day party at Breadstix (where they were now) but only couples could attend because "single people [made her] sad". The sophomore didn't even have a steady boyfriend. She was kind of seeing Rory but a new club member, Joe Hart, kept catching her eye.

"I'm real shocked Boo Thang ain't set you up." Artie was. He thought for sure that Marcy would have a cousin or friend to hook Santana up with.

"She's trying."

"Trying?" Brittany felt hurt.

So did Artie. "Usually she gets better results than "trying"."

"She's helping but there's a problem." Santana eyed them seriously.

"What's wrong, San?" Brittany took her hands.

Santana squeezed her hands tightly, drawing strength. "I'm bi."

Artie's jaw dropped but Brittany smiled. "You're like Marcy. You can be the fairy princess."

Santana smiled back. "You're not mad?"

"Mad?" Artie frowned at that word. "Was Finn? Is that why you broke up?"

"Jimi." Santana had finally decided what she'd call Artie. "He wasn't mad at that. My Abuela was less than open."

Brittany frowned. "That's not fair!"

Santana shrugged lightly. "Patti said she'd change her mind one day. Except it was more poetic."

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