- Chapter 2: My cafe -

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- Emmeline's Pov -

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- Emmeline's Pov -

Me, Fred and George floo straight to my cafe that is in diagon alley and i'm so glad i had a floo installed first because it makes it easier for me and the customers to get there. Flora travelled with us but i forgot she hates using the floo because it always makes her throw up exactly what she is doing right now on my newly installed floor making me groan. Fred and George laugh while casting a quick spell to clean the sick up leaving my floor good as new with a minty fresh smell to mask the sick smell. I walk around checking all the furniture then i go into the back where the kitchen is which is open so everyone will be able to see me cooking or baking and i smile looking around because this whole place is going to be my new life and i can't wait to open it for everyone. This whole places is going to be for witches and wizards so they can be themselves without having to hide their magic from everyone, which is just what i wanted. I know for certain that my family will come here every chance they can get especially mum and dad because they love the food i cook and the treats i bake.

Without asking what to do Fred and George start to unpack the boxes in the main area and put things exactly where i want them while i started to do numerous wordless spells to get the kitchen area ready. When us three are in the same room we hardly have to communicate because we instantly know what each other is thinking which explains why they're putting things exactly where i want them. Our family find it amusing at how connected we are because it's how we have always been around each other and i know it will stay like that since it's who we are, we will always be connected and defend each other to our deaths. We did in the war that ended up with me in the hospital separated from my family which was torture itself because i'm not used to being alone or being without Fred and George. I'm hoping that Fred and George being friends with Harry won't effect our bond because if it does i will hate Harry more then i do now because i know for certain i can't live without my triplet brother's.

"Everything is looking amazing Emmy" Fred said smiling

"I want the pkace to feel like a home away from home so all the students and families feel relaxed while their out shopping" I said softly

"Well you succeed because i feel relaxed just being in here unpacking" He said still smiling

"I aim to please" I said smirking

"I'm so glad we got out of going with Harry because he's changed since the war" George blurted out as he placed a center piece on a table

"What was his plans" I asked moving the coffee machine across the counter

"He wanted us to go to this new cafe that's opening up in diagon alley to have a few butter beers but we don't want to because we have a feeling he's up to something that will put us in danger again" Fred said unpacking another box by hand

"My cafe is the only cafe opening up here in diagon alley, merlin is Harry starts trouble tomorrow i will give him a life long ban!" I said placing my hands on the counter infront of me

"Emmy he won't get a chance to start trouble because me and Fred will be here with you and we will kick his ass out if he does" George said walking over to me

"I just want tomorrow to go perfectly because you both know this has always been my dream" I said fiddling with my finger's

"It will go perfectly, we will make sure it does little sister" George said smirking at me because he knows i hate being called little sister

"I'm not little" I said crossing my arms

"You are Emmeline" Fred said smirking

"No you guys are just freakishly tall" I said smirking back at him

"Urgh it's going to be a busy day tomorrow and my leg is killing me" I said feeling the pain start in my leg

"We will be there to help you all day so don't worry, you will have to rest your leg as much as you can tonight" George said softly

"Why don't we stay at your house tonight then all three of us can come here at first light" Fred said thoughtfully

"That could work but will you guys be okay around Flora for that long" I asked nervously because my other siblings can't seem to get along with Flora

"We will be absolutely fine-" Fred started to say

"Flora is just a cute kitten for us" George said cutting Fred off as usual

"Okay, let's go to my house so we can all rest up" I said wiping my hands on my trousers

Both of them loop their arms with mine then walk me over to the fireplace with Flora not far behind us looking anxious because she has to floo again. We step into the fireplace then i shout our destination with a smile on my face while George throws the powder because this is going to be Fred and George's first time seeing my house. I know their going to love it since they were the ones that helped me pick furniture out and helped pick out colour schemes. I just hope they don't mind sharing a room or a bed because i only have one spare room but knowing them they will come into my room and sleep on my bed just like we used to do as little kids.

"Welcome to my home" I said as i stop out the fireplace with Flora beside me

"Wow, it looks absolutely amazing" They said in unison


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