Down & Out Aftermath Part 2

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Down & Out Aftermath Part 2

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ⸸ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

King Dice sat in his room on a stool by his vanity. Oh boy was it good to be back! He had been homeless for so long he almost forgot what luxury felt like! Luckily everything in his room was still intact, it was quite odd actually, he'd expected for The Devil to call a clean out of his room when he was fired last but nothing had been touched! It's almost as if the devil deep down knew eventually he'd want Dice back home, at least that was Dice's theory, which definitely gave him a rush of confidence. He felt up on his high horse right now, he was back in business! Not only was he head of entertainment in hell but he was back being The Devil's number one! His right hand man! And boy it felt swell! Of course he shouldn't get too cocky too quickly, The Devil loses his temper easily and could snap at any time if he were to mess up again, yet... Dice wasn't as worried about it this time around, The Devil practically begged him to come back! And not only that but this purple dice had learnt something new about his furry little friend.

Earlier Dice was simply mucking around with his pal, teasing him perusal, yet Dice noticed something different about this time, the way the Devil stared into his eyes back when Dice spun him around and moved in close to him, sure he was purposely flirting with Dev, but he flirts with a lot of people! It's his special trick to swoon people easily, he gets a kick out of having people absolutely obsessed with him but almost everyone he does flirt with he has little to no interest in them at all... well, we say almost everyone because there is a certain someone he has been... quite interested in. It isn't a shock to the soul to know that his little interest is The Devil himself. Something about being close to the actual lord of the underworld thrilled the Dice! Not just any mortal can be as close to him as he is. Dice couldn't tell if it was just the rush of being praised and called the 'number one' but the actual devil or if it be a serious deep attraction to the man... although he was willing to test those grounds and find out, which brings us back to earlier.

As said, he flirts with almost everybody but Dice knows not to flirt with The Devil, usually yet something inside him clicked today, maybe it was the confidence? The fact he had a certain power of the devil? I mean, the literal satan was asking for him! No not asking, begging for him! Of course that'd make Dice want to test the grounds, he had the upper hand for once, which means he has somewhat of a chance over others. A chance to get away with flirting with The Devil, which he does plan on doing again, especially after seeing the reaction to it. He had never seen Dev so... submissive... you'd think of Satan and you usually imagine someone dominant and threatening, which in the past Dice had thought, but he had seen a new light to the man today... he was so gentle... the way he begged him to stay, his little nervous movements~ oh it thrilled the dice like crazy! He wanted to dominate him. He wanted to stand over his small little body and stare into those big ol' red eyes... and make him fall weak at the knees, which it seems he successfully did. Dice wasn't stopping here, he was going to test the grounds and push some boundaries, although he will try his best not to embarrass the guy in front of anybody, he doesn't want to humiliate him or get him in trouble! He just wants to see him all soft again... He will try his best to make moves in private but he can't help if Henchman like today accidentally walks in on a scene, but Dice feels he took care of that situation quite well, as for Dev? He didn't exactly play it cool. Little did Dice know but The Devil and Henchman were making a bet right in this moment all revolving around him. This definitely won't be a good outcome for Devil, maybe for Henchman? He may win this little bet of his afterall.

Dice looked into the mirror before grabbing a makeup wipe, he had to clean his face before bed so he doesn't smudge anything into his duvet covers. It was only really his eye makeup that he did today, a stack load of purple eyeshadow with eyeliner and mascara, which is just his basic makeup routine for every day. He opens the packet of wipes and raises a wipe to his face about to start his makeup removal routine... that was until he heard an all too familiar poof noise behind him.

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