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[Contains Smut]

King Dice has decided, today is the last day he is disrespected and used by The Devil, if he truly wants him to stay here, down in hell with him then he has to learn that he isn't some push over that he can kick to the curb whenever he wants. Dice is sick and tired of trying to please Dev only to mess up in the slightest and be told he isn't good enough! All he does is try and try to make him proud, he would do anything for the lord of hell to make him pleased, and now that they're moving on in their relationship, to something more serious and intimate, Dice feels he deserves to be treated like an equal more than a pawn in The Devil's game. If he really wants him he will learn to respect a few of his demands. Dice doesn't mind being ordered to do things, He doesn't mind being controlled, He knows what he is getting himself into, he is dating Satan for hell sake- BUT he doesn't respect being insulted when he doesn't succeed. He also doesn't like being second best. He is his number one. He is his right hand man, and he belongs to the Devil, nobody else, JUST him, Not Henchman, HIM. No longer will he take it any other way.

Once upon a time, Dice feared the Devil, sure he admired him, but how could you not fear a powerful being? Satan is no match for a mortal like him, he could easily snap and Dice would be killed in an instant, for so long, he would flinch, and squeal when Dev got too close when mad. He feared The Devil's full potential, he feared his many transformations... He knows the power that The Devil holds, he knows the dangers he can be put in while being around him. But now? That doesn't scare him, Nothing scares him more than losing him. He has worked so hard to be able to handle Devil and his tantrums, he has worked so hard to be at this status he is in. He isn't going to let fear chase him away now, he is already in deep and oh boy did he love it. Now when The Devil screams... and bursts with anger, he watches in amazement, he feels his body being slipped into unconsciousness every time. It brings him thrilling chills... He wanted to watch the world burn, hand in hand with Satan. What had happened to him? He always admired the lord of hell, it is no different than before, but now? Love played a factor in how he felt. HE wanted to be the one that stood by him as he tortured and ate souls... he wanted to see Big D up in action, it thrilled him in so many ways he couldn't explain. Was Dice pure evil? perhaps? He never got anywhere by being nice... that's for sure. He wouldn't even BE here if it wasn't for the all powerful evil lord himself... Dice likes to think he is just as sinister and sick as the Devil... or maybe it's that he wants to be.

If Dice could, he'd allow the Devil to own him, he knows there is a way, he has been reading the rule books of the late in between breaks, he knows that he can make a deal with The Devil... but he also knows why Dev hasn't offered it to him yet, it's dangerous. Despite The Devil's arrogant demeanour and his whole act of 'I don't need anyone' it is clear to Dice how desperately he needed him, not only needed but simply wanted him. King knows if Dev was to lose Dice again? He'd be destroyed. This deal? It could tear Dice from him easily. The deal was simple, He could be owned by The Devil, their relationship? Wouldn't be frowned upon anymore, as he wouldn't be mortal but immortal, but in every deal there's always a catch, a punishment shall we say? If Dice was to ever break his ownership to the Devil, he'd perish. Think of it like marriage but with a sacrifice of death, death do us part. It was a soul binding agreement, If he was to cheat or deceive The Devil he'd die. Dice knows why Devil hasn't suggested it because he is afraid this is all a little fling and soon Dice will get over him, he doesn't want to hurt Dice, even if he was broken by him. He doesn't want to own him because he is scared.

People say The Devil fears nothing, Dice knows all too well that The Devil indeed has his fears. But he doesn't need to worry, Dice wants him, he wants to be his, he doesn't want anyone else and never will, ever. Sure forever is... a long, long... time, and in that time Satan is scared Dice will get over him, maybe he feels it isn't fear to own him in case he no longer wants it, because once he is owned there is no escape but death. He doesn't want that for Dice. But Dice does. Dice would give anything to be owned forever by The Devil. He has worked his life off to please The Devil, he WANTS this. Perhaps, today is the day they have this talk, they make the deal? Dice wasn't holding back, he was going to spill every single little thing that has been playing on his mind about their relationship, Including the deal of life and death itself.

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