Grooming The Devil part 3

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The Devil grabbed his favourite pink towel and wrapped it around his body. He made his way to his bedroom, water trickling behind him as he walked. He reached his bedroom and slipped off the towel, he tossed it in a dirty laundry pile before shaking his whole body like a dog. The water droplets flicked everywhere, but Dev didn't mind. After shaking his whole body for at least 20 seconds, his fur puffed up and became extremely fuzzy and fluffy! Luckily for him he didn't feel itchy anymore, Dice had done a good job in cleaning his once filthy fur. The fuzzball walked to one of the drawers in his vanity and took out his brush, little did the Devil know, Henchman got this from the overworld and was nothing more than a simple multi-pet brush... Basically he has been using an animal brush to comb his fur, but he wouldn't be nice either way. Dev placed the brush on his bed and crawled up beside it, he lay back on his bed and stared up at the ceiling for a moment... he just needed a moment to think about recent events.

The Devil relaxed his muscles and closed his eyes, he allowed his body to melt into his bed as he thought. He couldn't stop thinking about Dice and his... feelings towards him. His feelings towards the block head were far more complicated than anything he has had to deal with emotion wise, King Dice made him feel... a certain way that nobody has ever made him feel, a feeling he didn't quite understand yet, a feeling that was taking a serious toll on his mind... for a few days now he had been lying in bed thinking about Dice, he never has this much thought on one person, well besides Cuphead but that was because of pure hatred for the kid, the thoughts he was having towards Dice weren't hatred...? the types of thoughts he would have were small spurts... like simply his smile or his amazing voice, or they'd range from what it would be like to be close to the other or even worse... have relations with him. They haven't stopped since he had come back to the underworld and they have only been getting worse the more time he spends with the other... Today has really triggered his thoughts and emotions, obviously! They literally kissed! And.... the devil hated to admit it but- he liked it. That scene replays in his mind over and over again, he can't seem to shake it!

The Devil grunts and opens his eyes, he sits up and crosses his legs. He didn't want to think of Dice this way! There were so many reasons why it was wrong to feel this way toward the mortal, the first being he was a mortal! Mortals don't live forever! They eventually die. Sure, Dev has the power to give immortality, but he can't just give it to anybody! What if Dice isn't... the one? what if something happens between them such as Dice hurts him in unthinkable ways or he is just using him for his own little game?! Surely not right? Then there are the critics! He is already getting terrible reviews on his job as the devil, apparently to the critics he is 'losing his touch' what is that even supposed to mean?! Hell if they were to find out that the actual Devil was in romantic relations with not only just a mortal but an overworld celebrity those headlines would be huge! He'd be the talk of the world! He'd be ridiculed and laughed at! Nobody would take him seriously if they knew he was capable of feeling love! He cannot have that! ohh... but when Dice looks at him with his charming grin and those big, shining green eyes... his heart melts~ How was he supposed to resist someone like that?! He really was falling for this man, whether he liked it or not, there was no way to escape from what he felt, he was going to have to learn to deal with it and the consequences that were to come with it or he may lose Dice... and Dev knows he can't bare to see Dice with anyone else but himself, He needed him, he longed him, this was his desperate and most dangerous desire... he must have Dice.

Dice was currently in the bathroom fixing himself up, he slipped back on his purple slacks and white button up shirt, he rolled his sleeves up and looked into the mirror, he winked at his reflection and let a gentle chuckle escape him. Dice leaned down to the tub and pulled out the plug to drain all the dirty water, he then grabbed his blazer and swung it over his shoulder before stepping out of the bathroom. He whistled his own tune as he walked down the hall toward the Devil's quarters, He had one hand in his pocket the other pushed open the door, he saw the devil just sitting there mindlessly... which did concern Dice slightly but he tried his best not to question it, he knows The Devil hates when people question him.

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