Dice's Jealousy Part 3

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The meeting soon came to an end, The Devil was struggling to keep his eyes open, he leaned his cheek against his paw as his eyes continued to droop every now and again, he let out a loud yawn when the meeting came to a conclusion. He tiredly stretched his arm behind his neck and shifted up from the seat, he grabbed his pitchfork that rested against the wall near the door and made his way to the exit. As for King Dice, he slipped from his chair and grabbed the documents he brought with him, he walked over to one of the filing cabinets and carefully placed the sheets inside. He spun around and strolled right up behind The Devil. As the two of them left, Stickler started to clear the board.

The Devil strolled through the hallways while Dice followed closely behind. Dice hummed as he walked, he seemed to always be making some sort of tune even in the blandest of moments, he hates the silence.

"Hey Big D~! What's next for the agenda today?" Dice cooed as he slid up beside Satan.

The Devil yawned gently and gave a small shrug. In all honesty, The Devil was extremely bumped out from the whole meeting, he felt criticised by Stickler in some way, sure he knows that Stickler is simply doing his job but it still hurts hearing that he wasn't as good as he use to be. Not only was he bumped out but just extremely tired. Dice and he had a fun night the night before... which, sure they didn't stay up too late... but The Devil had been dwelling on the whole idea of 'dating a mortal' almost all night. He truly feels deeply for Dice, but he was genuinely afraid. He didn't want to be caught being with him, they'd ruin everything, sure there are ways around dating his beloved such as making a deal with him. But by now we all know making deals with the Devil is dangerous. What deal could they make? Well, If Dice, truly wanted to be immortal, Devil could make a deal that he owns Dice and Dice must always be fully committed to him and only him, there is only one issue, if he was to make this deal with Dice sooner than later and Dice changes his mind about the whole relationship... he would break his side of the deal, which means he will well and truly perish. Devil doesn't want that, he isn't ready to make that deal with Dice. He knows for a fact if he brought it up, Dice would be down. But that's the thing, he isn't ready to let Dice know about this loophole as it was a dangerous one... and quite frankly he didn't want to lose him. He wasn't even sure if this between them was a simple fling or not... he wants it to be real and he does truly hope it is, but only time will tell.

The Devil rubbed his eyes and gave a tired glance to Dice, Dice smiled faintly, Seeing The Devil so soft and tired was quite the cute sight...

"Boss it appears you're a little sleepy!" Dice let out a simple chuckle.

"Mhm..." The Devil grumbled as he walked into his throne room. He walked down to his throne and threw himself on it. Once seated he rubbed his temple tiredly.

Dice didn't hesitate to follow right in behind him, he is his right hand man after all. Dice stepped up on the small steps and stood beside The Devil's throne. He placed his hand on Dev's shoulder.

"Maybe you should get some rest? You know how you get when you're cranky..." Dice chuckled a little with a light-hearted smile.

The Devil wasn't exactly in the mood for jokes. He grumbled lowly and placed his chin to his palm.

Dice awkwardly stood there for a moment as he tried to think of what he could do to cheer the Devil up. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he let out a small 'Oh!' He smirked and looked over at his dearest, darkest lord.

"I could give you a massage Devy~" Dice cooed playfully as he leaned against the throne arm.

The Devil perked up a little, he glimpsed at Dice from the side and made a small grunt, he shrugged, then nodded.

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