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December 13

Dear Santa,

We did great with the reporting in Chem. Though, I was kind of not satisfied with my performance, I can say that it was good. My prof said her Christmas gift was wala na kaming quiz because supposedly, there was a scheduled quiz after reporting. It was moved next year. I'm done writing Chapter 1 and 2. I just need it checked.


Kai and I eat out after class as a celebration because our prof commended us in our report. He's so fucking weird. We just did a great job and he already wanted to celebrate. When I told him that, he just replied, 'an achievement, whether small or big, is still an achievement and it should be celebrated' (non verbatim)

Good thing we didn't argue about who's going to pay because I said I should be the one to pay now since he brought me foods these past few days. We also bought gifts. I don't understand my classmates. We can just fucking eat on year end. We don't have to do 'exchange gifts' but they insisted. I don't know who Kai got but I'm sure as hell it's not me.


Dear SantaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon