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December 12

Dear Santa,

I hate Mondays, and I have so much to do. There are so many performance tasks. How are we going to fit that in a week? Year End's party is on 16 (that's Friday this week).

UCSP PeTa was submitted today and to be judged (because it's a mv making and it's our section's entry) scores will be announced tomorrow and as far as I know, there were pretty good music videos from diff secs din. I want a higher grade.

ConArts PeTa was moved next year, and that's great because I haven't had any practice yet.

Revised chapter 1-3 of our paper is due next year. My prof isn't even checking it, it's fucking frustrating. He wasn't even going to class anymore.

I am so drained and it's only Monday.


Dear SantaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon