Cas. Please.

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"I can't believe it's been a month since you got here Novack." Alfie and Cas were sitting in the break room drinking coffee. They were both working the graveyard shift that night. Cas looked at Alfie, sipping his coffee, "Why are you so surprised?"
"Well," Alfie set his drink down and grabbed te sugar, "usually, if the new guards aren't scared off by Michael, it's Luci or Crowley that does it." After pouring a couple spoonfuls of sugar in his coffee, Alfie set the sugar back where it belonged.
"Well I don't have anywhere else that will take me. So I'm stuck here."
Cas finished his coffee, rinsed the cup out, and put it by the sink.
"Michael said something about that. What'd you do? If you don't mind me asking."
"I covered up something that shouldn't have been covered up."
"Would you do it again?"
"He's my brother. Of course I would."
"So, you have a brother and a cousin in jail. And you still wanna be a cop?"
Cas stood still for a moment, "I wanted to be an artist, or a photographer. But after....." Cas stopped mid-sentence and stood there for a moment, "Things change. People leave. I haven't thought about that in years."

"I just don't see why Cas would choose to be a cop," Dean spoke as he sat in his cell. Lucifer was his cellmate. In the cell beside him was Sam and Gabriel.
Gabriel got up from the top bunk and walked to the cell door, "Yeah, well you didn't see how he was after you left. He was depressed. Any time he thought about painting, or held a camera, he thought of you. Then he'd get quite. Sometimes he'd lock himself away for days. We'd hear him cry. And Balthazar and I? We couldn't do a damn thing."
Dean stayed silent.
"It wasn't until Garth suggested him being a cop that he reacted to anything with even the slightest happiness. Even if it was fake, he smiled again. Then he slowly got better, but never completely. Dean, he still loves you."
"... Then that's worse."

-------------- Morning -------------

Cas stands im the corner of the yard. Alfie had the day off. Instead this other guard, Uriel, stood on the other side like a statue. Dean comes in the yard by himself and sits at a table halfway between him and Uriel. Cas bites the inside of his lip. He wanted to go and talk to him, but Cas had no idea what to say. Or if Dean would even want to talk to him.
Before he got the courage to walk over, Gabriel came in the yard.
"Hi Castiel!" Gabriel walked up to him with his usual smile. Uriel grimaced at the two, but minded his own.
Gabriel put his arm around Cas, "What's up?"
"You're in prison."
"Are we stating the obvious here? You're a guard."
Gabe barely managed to keep a smile off his face for a minute before giving up, "Come on Cas, smile." Gabe turned around and started walking, throwing his hands up in the air as he spoke, "It's a BRIGHT, SUNNY DAY!!!"
Some random prisoners yelled at Gabriel to shut up. Gabe proceeded to flip them off before Uriel tackled one to the ground. The others backed off, not wanting to be crushed by the nearly 300 pound statue.
Cas shook his head at his cousin, he honestly couldn't see how he was so happy sitting in prison. At least he got to go home after a while, Gabe had to stay.
Sam finally came in. His leg was doing better from when he was shot. Instead of going towards his brother, Sam came over to Cas. "Hey Cas."
"How are you? Really."
"I'm fine. How'd you and Dean end up here?"
"Well, I got caught because a chick named Ruby. But Cas, it's not what you think. We were helping people, Dean and I. Something got stolen from someone, we'd steal it back. Someone has a stalker? We'd scare them off..."
"That's not all is it."
Sam stayed quite for a moment, "Dean's gonna kill me but, we were tracking down someone. I can't say who. But this person? Really bad. Ruby, she was supposed to help us. But in the end she double crossed us and ended up dead."
"Did Dean?"
"No. It was someone else. They thought she double crossed her boss and killed her, shot to the head right before the police showed up. Dean told me to run. I was trying to find a way to bust him out when I got caught. Cas, they're pinning the murder on him. If they convict him, he's dead. I know you don't owe us anything, but if there's anything about the evidence you can dig up? Something to tell us which way this trial is going? Please tell me. He's my brother, you know he wouldn't kill anyone. I don't know who else to turn to Cas. Bobby is being watched, if they even suspect he's helping us he's dead."
"Who's watching Bobby? Sam."
"I said too much. Cas. Evidence. Please."
With that Sam walked over to Dean, Gabriel, and now Lucifer who snuck in while they were talking.

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