When You Cross Her

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------------- 3 weeks later -----------

Abbadon sits in her throne, tapping away on her phone as she clacks her heeled shoenon the ground.
Anderson walks up to her and kneels at her feet. "Madam. I have news on the subject of Dean Winchester."
Abbadon looks up from her phone. "You better not be waisting my time."
"Of course not."
"Then speak."
"The boy is held up, along with the other witness, in a FBI safe house about 20 miles from the prison. We followed one of the nurses there for 3 weeks now. As you suspected, she's been helping them."
Abbadon shirted in her seat, placing her phone down on the arm of it. "Anderson."
"Yes madam?"
"Fetch me Bobby Singer. I have a message I want to send to Dean Winchester."
Anerson nods and begins to walk out of the room.
"Oh! And get that nurse for me too. I'm afraid I'm feeling a bit ill"
"Yes madam."

"Bobby Singer."Abbadon smirks as she paces back and forth in front of him, holding a bat in her hands.
"Your adopted son has been quite the problem for me. I need you to help me send a message." A distinct crack is heard as the bat breaks Bobby's shoulder, his scream being muffled but the gag in his mouth.
"Hmmmm..." Abbadon examined the damage after throwing the bat across the room. "Not good enough. Usually I won't get my hands dirty," she leans over and speaks in his ear, "but this is a special case."

----------- 2 days later ----------

Lucifer has only gotten worse. He's become more distant, choosing to stay in his room rather than speak with anyone. And if someone tries to speak to him he speaks down on them, pointing out their flaws, making them bigger then they actually are.

Gabriel lays on the couch with his head in Sam's lap, not feeling up to speaking after having bad parts of his past revived in his memory by Lucifer. Sam understood. He begins to run his fingers through Gabe's hair, humming "Heat of the Moment" by Asia; a song he doesn't like much, but Gabriel loves it so Sam doesn't mind.
Gabriel speaks softly. "Is that Heat of the Moment?"
"Mmhmm." Sam resumes humming, tapping the beat into the arm of the couch as Gabe listens.

Cas walks into the living room. "Gabriel."
Gabe lifts his head up slightly, not speaking but giving Cas his attention. Castiel sighs, wishing to hear his cousin's voice and see him happy like he usually is.
"There's something we need you for. Sam, it's best you stay here."
Gabriel raises an eyebrow, sitting up. Sam speaks what both he and Gabe are thinking. "What's going on Cas?"
"We just need Gabe, it shouldn't take long."
Gabriel shot Sam a glace before walking out of the room with b Cas.

Charlie rean up to Gabriel and Cas quickly. "Gabriel! I know you used to shadow over a surgeon when you were younger. Do you remember what every tool does?"
Gabe gave Charlie a srrange look before nodding his head.
"Good. We have Meg here," Charlie speaks as she drags Gabriel into a random room. Meg is laying on a table, a bullet wound in her arm as well as many deep gashes and bruises over her body.
Gabriel speaks softly, "What happened?"
"She was thrown out of a van, we picked her up and brought her in here."
Gabriel raises an eyebrow. "Getting thrown out a van doesn't generally give people bullet wounds." He walks over to Meg to get a better look at her wounds. "The bullet is still in her arm. And most of those gashes were made by a knife...."
He continues looking over her wounds while Cas and Charlie stand around the room.
Cas speaks up, "What is it?"
Gabriel stays silent as he lifts up Meg's shirt, revealing words carved into her stomach that read: THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU CROSS ME.
"Abbadon is pissed. There's most likely a second part to this."

----------- 3 hours later ----------

Gabriel managed to get Meg patched up, along with some help from Sam who went looking for him after an hour passed.
Meg was just waking up as Gabriel wrapped the last of her wounds.
"A- Abbadon...." Meg speaks weakly. "She-"
"I know she did this to you. Just rest."
Meg shakes her head before continuing. "She- she has a man- named Bobby Singer. She said- she'll kill him. If we don't give up Dean..."

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