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Lucifer limps towards Charlie who just got outside. "Shit..." She runs towards Luci and helps him walk in the house.

------------ 5 hours later ------------

Meg walks out of the room Lucifer's in stripping off the surgical gloves and throwing them in the trash. "He'll be okay. A rib broke and punctured his lung, but I set it so it can heal up. I'll come by next week to check how he's doing."
Charlie hugs her. "Thank you, Meg."
Meg nods. "He might be different from before. Raphael was torturing him, putting ideas in his head. Most likely to get him to turn against you guys."
"I'll keep that in in mind."

Gabriel walks into Luci's room. "Lucifer. I'm so sorry you were left. I wanted to go look for you but-"
"Save it." Lucifer's voice as he speaks is cold and harsh. "Don't pretend you care now Gabriel. Just leave me alone."
Gabriel looks at Lucifer with sadness in his eyes. "If that's what you want."
Lucifer looks towards Gabriel, his eyes cold. "You, of all people, should know what it's like to have your sibling killed and seek revenge. You leaving me there was the best thing that could've happened. But then again, you didn't care when Hale was killed did you? You stayed in that prison because all you're able to care about is yourself."
Lucifer continues to speak, voice full of venom.
"You are the most self-absorbed person I've ever met. You only pretend to care about someone if you can get something from them, the second that changes you leave them in the dust. And Sam? What are you going to do when you're done with him? Forget about him like your little slut of a girlfriend? Tell me. Did you even cry when she died?"
Gabriel spoke through clentched teeth, "Shut up! I LOVED Kali! It tore me apart when she died!!!"
"Oh I'm sure. You didn't care about her, you came into prison and made it clear you didn't care about anyone but yourself!"
Gabriel begins to yell at Lucifer. "My GIRLFRIEND JUST DIED! Then my sister. Not to mention I was forced to line up the barrel of a gun to my cousins head! Excuse me for not showing emotion in fucking prison!!!"
"You self-absorbed-"

Cas walks over to Dean and sits in his lap, wrapping his arms around Dean's neck. Dean wraps his arms around Castiel's waist as he kisses him softly and smiles. "Hey babe."
Cas blushes, "Hello Dean."
"So, I was thinking. I want to get everything as close to the way things were before. I don't care how long it takes, I see a light at the end of this tunnel and I want to exit it with you."
Cas' eyes light up at Dean's words. "You're going to stay this time? No talk about leaving?" "I'm staying till the end, Cas. I promise."
Cas squeals sightly and kisses Dean passionately, both men smiling.
"I love you Dean." "I love you too, Cas."

Gabriel walks out of the room and goes to Sam, who's reading a book in the kitchen while Cas and Dean speak softly to each other on the couch in the other room, and sits in the chair next to him.
"Hey Gabe," Sam looks over his book at Gabriel, "what's wrong?" Sam sets his book down after marking the page. Gabriel shakes his head, not wanting to speak.
"Gabriel..." Sam sighs, not knowing what to do. His Gabriel was never this quiet, he was always speaking even if he was mad. Especially if he was mad.
Gabriel stayed quiet, looking down at his hands.
"Gabe, please speak to me."
"Lucifer he....."

Okay, from here it's going to get worse. It will get better near the end though. (And if you haven't read the tags I strongly suggest you do so I you won't say I didn't warn you about what's going to happen).

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