Saving Bobby pt. 2

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Sam kisses Gabriel, having to lean down because of their height difference. "Come back safe okay?"
Gabriel chuckled. "Of course I'll come back safe Sammich."
"You know what I mean."
"Everyone is going to come back, including me. I promise."


The group walked through the woods. Gabriel walks in the back with a pistol in hand and a sniper rifle on his back. Lucifer is in front leading them to the place.

Everyone stayed silent as the walked.

After 2 and a half hours they finally reached the house. House being an understatement. It was more like a old palace. It was surrounded by a 25 foot wall on all sides with a 30 foot gate for entry. Guards were posted on the wall, walking around with rifles in their hands and ready to shoot on sight.
Dean whispers. "How the hell are we supposed to get past THAT?!"
"There's an old underground entrance that bypasses the wall. We go through there. It'll lead us straight into the building not far from where she keeps the prisoners."
"Oh, that works. You know, except for the fact those areas are usually heavily fucking guarded!"
Everyone ducked as a guard looked their way.
Gabriel whisper-yells at Dean. "You're gonna get us caught before we even make it in, you arrogant dick!"

After Lucifer explained that the underground entrance was flooded because an old water pipe broke- no one bothered to fix it because it meant less guards that had to be payed- they all snuck to the entrance.

They swam through the underground tunnel and entered the building.

Lucifer told Charlie the way to the prisoner section. "I'll stay here in case someone starts walking in your direction."
Gabriel shot Lucifer a look before following Charlie and Dean, leaving him by himself.

While the three went to get Bobby Lucifer snuck off to fulfill his own agenda. He snuck his way past guards through rooms and long halls to find where Abbadon is.
It took a couple minutes, but he found the room she's in. Abbadon was having a conversation with a man named Cain, a legend in the world of the criminal.

"I believe they should be making their way towards their friend now. They're all going to die, but I want you to save Gabriel for me. We have some unfinished business to discuss."
Cain nodded. "And what should I do with the FBI agent?"
"Make her suffer."
Lucifer went to sneak out of the room. Before he could Abbadon fired a shot, nearly hitting his face.
"Where do you think you're going? Guards, kindly grab Mr. Milligan for me. We wouldn't want him warning the others would we?"


"Bobby!" Dean walked through the rooms, gun in hand, as Charlie follows.
A gruff voice came through the air, holding a bit of surprise. "Dean?!"
Dean followed the voice and opened up a door, revealing Bobby with buises and blood covering him. Bobby got up and instantly pulled Dean into a hug. "It's good to see you boy."
"Yeah, you too Bobby. We need to get out of here."
"Ya' think." Bobby looked around. "Where's your brother?"
"Sam is at the hideout. He's safe."

Gabriel jumps around the corner where Dean, Bobby, and Charlie are just as a bullet hits the wall. "I think they know we're here."
Charlie spoke. "Shit. How many guards are there?"
"One. But it's Cain."
Everyone froze for a moment, until another bullet lodged itself into the wall.
"We need to get out of here." Charlie grabbed Gabriel's shirt and tried to pull him as Dean helped Bobby down the hall. Gabriel pulled his shirt back. "I'll catch up. Someone needs to distract this guy while everyone else runs."
"Go. I'll be fine. Chances are she wants me alive anyway."
Charlie, unwillingly, leaves Gabriel to follow Dean and Bobby.

Gabriel kisses his rifle. "Just you and me."

At this point it was either another cliffhanger or a long ass chapter. So I chose the cliffhanger.

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