Before and After

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------- Present (5 years since the court house shooting) --------

"Cas, come on. You're keeping everyone waiting." Gabriel spoke as he knocked on the door.
Cas was looking at himself in the mirror, a wedding tux on with a blue tie. Gabriel was wearing a tux himself, except it was a blue one instead of black.
Knock Knock Knock
"Cas, don't make me break down this door."

Cas walks over and opens the door, earning a wide smile from his cousin.
"You look great Cas, what's the hold up?"
"I-" Cas froze.
"It's Dean isn't it?"

------- 1 Day before the shooting -------

Dean smiles, kissing Cas.
Crowley grimaced and looked away. "Get a room you two. I've seen enough of that between you two and moose with candy man over there."
Crowley motioned to Sam and Gabe, who were sitting in a bench talking, just as Gabriel leaned up to peck Sam's lips. Sam blushes darkly as other people stare.
Dean spoke to Crowley. "What are you still doing here anyway? Don't you have a gang to take over again?"
"Ppffffttt, Who says I haven't taken my gang back already?"

Charlie came out a few minutes later. "Okay. All you have to do is sign and be briefed tomorrow, then everyone can go home."
Dean looked up. "And where exactly is that by the way?"
"Wherever you want." Charlie smiles, "No witness protection because all of Abbadon's gang is in prison."

------- 1 week after the shooting -------

Knock Knock Knock
"Cas? Are you awake?" Balthazar walked into the hospital room where his brother was. Cas was still asleep, a bandage on his shoulder.
Gabriel wasn't in there, which was weird since he never left the room for anything.

Gabriel was laying on the rooftop of some random building downtown looking through the scope of a sniper at a building. "Come on. I know you're in there bitch. Show your fucking face so I can shoot you."
Abbadon walked past the window, giving Gabe just the shot he needed.
Bang. Bang.
He pulled back on the trigger, the bullet gliding through the air and breaking the window before piercing her skull. The second one followed right after.
She fell to the floor.

------- 1 week and a day after shooting ------

Charlie pulls Gabriel out of the hospital room. "Please tell me you didn't."
"Didn't what?"
"You know what. Someone took a sniper, and killed Abbadon. They're searching for the killer."
Gabriel stayed quiet.
"Dammit, Gabriel."
"You know what she did. And she was going to do it to ALL of us before anyone caught her."
Charlie shighs, crossing her arms. "The gun was unregistered right?"
"No serial number, no evidence of it ever existing."

------- Present -------

Cas looks at Gabriel. "Well, I-"
"It's going to be okay. You're happy, right?"
"Then that's all that matters. If Dean were standing in this room right now, he'd tell you the same thing."

"Cas!" Balthazar called from the hallway before walking in the room. "Everyone is waiting for you. Let's go."
Gabriel shot Balthazar a look, to which he instantly changed his expression before speaking again.
"It's just- I can still remember what happened.... Sam and Dean's faces..."

Next chapter should be the last. I know this one kinda sucks, but I wanted to show some of what happened before and after the courthouse shooting.

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