First Day Off

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----------- 2 Weeks Later --------

Today was Cas' day off, he didn't have to go in to work at any point during the day. To start the day, he woke up around 10:30 am and just layed there for about an hour. He thought about Dean, how much he aged in about 9 years. He wondered if he changed as much. He hadn't thought about or done anything he enjoys in 9 years; all he did was work, and when he wasn't working he was trying to keep his brother out of jail and prison. Balthizar wasn't a bad guy, he just had fun a bit too much and got wrapped up in something bad. And the only way out was to sell drugs on the street. He never used any, Cas made sure, he just needed to pay off some bad people. Cas helped him any way he could, but in the end he failed.
Cas got up and went directly to the computer, everything else was still in boxes after almost two months. He searched the name Ruby, along with Dean Winchester. It took about 20 minutes but he found the case he was looking for. St. Louis, Missouri. About 5 hours from Lawrence. And with it being 10 till noon he wouldn't make it back in time for his shift at the prison. "Sam could hack into systems. It can't be that hard."

Sam walked into his cell with Gabriel. "What's the matter Samsquatch?" Sam didn't even look at Gabriel as he went to sit on his bunk. He forced himself into a corner with his knees to his chest. Gabe jumps off his bunk and goes onto Sam's, "Sammich?"
Sam just sits there, not saying a word. Dean walks by and goes straight to his cell. Gabe and Sam heard things crash to the wall and floor as Dean screamed, "SON OF A BITCH!!!"
Gabe looks to Sam, "What happened?"
Sam lifted his head a bit, "The lawyer says they have enough to pin the murder on Dean and have me as a accessory."
Gabriel froze. He didn't know what to say. He looked around to make sure no one was watching, the guys in the cells across from them were either napping or reading a book. Gabriel turned back to Sam and engulfed him in a hug.
Sam, who was genuinely shocked, stayed still, "W-why are you hugging me?"
Gabe released Sam, blushing as he turned his head away, "Uhh... well, I..."
Sam lifted an eyebrow before he forced Gabe to look at him by taking his chin with his hand and turning it towards him. Gabe, trying to hide the blush, blushed even redder as he tried not to look in Sam's eyes.
"HEY AM I RUINING ANYTHING!" Luci poked his head inside the cell causing Sam and Gabe to jerk away from each other. The red gone from Gabe's face, "No, nothing. Why did you yell?"
"Looked like you two were about to kiss."
Sam blushed as he turned away from Luci, pretending to look for something.

"Dammit!" Cas pushed himself away from the computer. He couldn't figure out how to get into the database and it was frustrating him. A knock came upon his door. Cas got up and answered. A geeky looking redhead stood on the other side of the door in the hallway, "Hey, I'm Charlie. I live in the apartment next door."
Charlie looked at the computer screen, "Are you trying to hack into a police database?" She stood still for a moment, "Sorry, I don't mean to be nosey. I work in an IT department. I also used to hack into stuff... But I don't do it anymore. Usually, I mean... I came over here for sugar! Do you have any I could have?"
Cas stared at Charlie for a moment, "I, I'm not sure if I do. Let me check. You can come in if you want."
Charlie came inside. She walked over to the computer chair and sat down, it was to only available seat, "So, in the past month and a half no one's see you. What do you do for a job?"
"Prison guard."
"Charlie turned towards the computer, "Prison guard? Intresting." She looked over he shoulder to make sure he wasn't looking and started to type on the keyboard. Within a minute she was in the database of the St. Louis police department looking at Sam and Dean's case file.
"What are you doing?" Cas squinted at Charlie as he walked up behind her.
Charlie jumped, "Ummm.... I, uhhh...." Charlie sighed, "Look, I work for someone. Unwillingly. She's scary, like, if I told you her name, she'd kill me. She wanted to know how a certain case was going, and you already had the police website pulled up. I'm sorry," she held her hands out, "arrest me if you want. It's better than disobeying and having someone I love killed"
"What does your boss want with Dean Winchester's case?"
"She wants him dead."
"Why? And who is your boss?"
"I don't know, I didn't ask. And like I said she'd KILL me if I told a cop her name. I can't tell you."
Charlie started to walk out, but stopped halfway through the door, "You said your name is Castiel right? As in Castiel Novack?"
"Ask your cousin who he worked for, why he's really in prison. She can't get to him in there. Anyone who crosses her usually gets killed. She's the same reason your brother's in jail, his boss crossed her."
She walked out and closed the door.

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