Saving Bobby pt. 1

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"No Dean! I'm not going to let her kill you!" Sam stood in the kitchen with Dean as they 'discussed' the Bobby situation. Dean insisted on giving himself up to Abbadon.
Dean was just too tired.
"Sam, it's Bobby."
"Yeah, and he wouldn't want you to give up your life for him."
Dean looked at his brother, pausing a moment. "What would you do Sam?"
"I wouldn't lay down and wait to die. And you know, there was a time when you wouldn't either."
"I've been looking up to you since I was 4, Dean. You would always keep going no matter what. We're going to get Bobby back. And BOTH of you are going to be alive."

Lucifer had walked in on the brothers fighting and stood in the doorway listening for a couple minutes now. He didn't want anything to do with this group, except maybe caring a bit for Gabriel who managed to be his friend in prison despite him(Luci) being a complete ass at first, but now that they seemed to be going after Abbadon he was interested in going with them so he could kill her. 'How stupid, thinking they can get everyone out alive without a body count.'
"I'll help."
Sam and Dean both jerked their heads in the direction of where Lucifer was standing. His face grew an amused expression with their reactions.
"What?" Both brothers said in unison.
"I said I'll help."
Dean spoke up. "Why?"
Lucifer shrugged in response, thinking of a bull shit reason to tell them. "I know my way around there. I know where her place is. It'll be easier not to get caught if I come with you."
The brothers gave eachother a look before Sam spoke up. "Uhhhh.... Okay."


"Okay!" Charlie spoke to the people outside, which consisted of: Dean (leaning on a van playing with a gun), Gabriel (standing in the back, closer to the house), and Lucifer (standing not far from Gabe, watching him while playing with a pocket knife); Charlie herself was standing where she could see everyone as she spoke. "We're going to go in, get Bobby Singer, and get out. We DON'T go after Abbadon. Our objective is Bobby Singer. Does everyone understand?"
Dean shoved the clip in the gun for the hundredth time. "What are we waiting for? Let's go get Bobby."
Dean got in the driver's seat of the van, insisting on driving. Charlie got shotgun. And Gabe and Luci got in the back.

After about 10 minutes of Lucifer navigating they were on a long stretch of road giving them some quiet since it would be a while before the next turn. Gabriel sat, looking at the side of the van absent mindedly playing with a sniper bullet. Lucifer moved to sit next to him, beginning to speak quietly.
"I'm sorry."
Gabe raised an eyebrow. "You're usually not one to apologize."
"I crossed a line. Just take the apology."
Gabriel smirks slightly, shaking his head. "There's the Luci I remember. You're not planning anything stupid are you?"
Lucifer stayed quiet a moment. "You shouldn't go in with us. You're better as a sniper."
"You are planning something aren't you?"
Lucifer stayed quiet.
"Lucifer, please. Whatever you're planning, don't do it."
"I'm nothing to this group. I'm on the outside. You- you have Sam. Dean has the guard. Crowley has an empire waiting on him to take back control. My brother is dead. I have nothing else. You're my only friend."
"Then as your friend, I beg you not to do what you're planning."

The rest of the drive was quiet, except for Lucifer's navigating. They pulled up about 10 miles away from Abbadon's headquarters. Charlie spoke up, "We'll walk from here."


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