1.love is a funny thing.1

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YN has never been in love. Or at least, she thinks she hasn't been. She tried many times, experimented with many people. Guys, girls, theys, literally anyone. Sure, that technically makes her kind of a hoe but who the fuck cares in this day and age? It's not her fault that she just effortlessly gets bitches.

However, YN loves the prospect of being in love, the idea is as alluring as a warm drink on a snowy day: peace that warms you when everything else is cold, a seemingly intimate moment bringing comfort and a sense that for at least that moment, everything is okay. Extremely cheesy.

And to get that love she oh so desires, YN must continue to try to find it even if all the failed attempts continuously drag her down until she wants to give up. With all the people she has tried with, it may seem like she doesn't care about relationships. But she does. And she feels bad for those she's been with, for letting them all down.

There is also the constant thought in the back of her mind, the one YN desperately tries to push away: relationships being a distraction, her seemingly obsession with love and wanting to find it. What if its only to hide everything else in her life? What if she is only using people and the excuse of wanting love to run away from which she shouldn't run away from? When running away would deem herself unworthy of such a connection, to the point where she doesn't deserve that love because of how—

"Oh my god! I am so sorry!"

YN looks up to see the person who ran into her bowing profusely. Said person shifts his gaze from the floor to YN's drenched figure currently on the ground before gasping once again. "Shit, shit, YN? I am so, so, sorry, I should have been looking! Oh my god, I am such an idiot—"

"Hey, Daniel, calm down. It's okay," YN quickly assures the stuttering male above her. "It's just water and I'm not hurt or anything."

"Agh, but still..." Daniel offers the girl a hand to which she gratefully accepts, allowing him to pull her off the classroom floor. YN sees the taller momentarily hesitate before pulling off his blazer and draping it across her smaller shoulders. "I feel so bad...can I get you something to eat as an apology?"

YN stares the taller down for a moment, making Daniel slightly nervous, before cracking a small smile and giving in. "Very smooth Daniel." The comment made said boy blush. "Why not, I'm not doing anything after school today. Where to?"

Daniel smiles at her answer. "I know a good tteokbokki stand not too far from here. Trust me, it's super good."

YN gives a light laugh. "Sounds like a plan then."

While holding the blazer covering her torso with one of her hands, she collects the rest of her things with the other hand before following Daniel out of the door.

"What a way to welcome a new student," Daniel mutters with a sigh, but not quiet enough for YN to not hear.

"It's okay, seriously," YN laughs. "It makes the first day even more interesting. Plus, now I have a guaranteed seatmate who just so happens to be super popular even on his second day of school."

Her remark makes Daniel blush, who then quickly tries to deny it. "I'm not popular!"

YN raises an eyebrow at him. She would have teased him more about it, but they had already reached the lunch room. As soon as the pair walked in, all eyes were on them. YN knew she wasn't bad looking herself, so seeing two hot new transfers together must've been a shock. Especially since YN was currently wearing Daniel's blazer over her.

She noticed a girl with poofy black hair scowl at her. Said girl tries pushing YN to the side but fails when YN side stepped out of the way. Internally sighing, YN backs away to get food and sits at a table with the seatmate she has during classes. She didn't feel like dealing with the attention that the other transfer was getting, including the countless number of dirty looks from random girls.

in memory of you // lookismWhere stories live. Discover now