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"Stupid people, stupid streamers," YN mumbles as she resists the urge to reply to each troller individually and have them doxxed. However, she makes sure to leave a shit ton of positive comments to drown out the negative, even donating ten dollars worth of balloons even though she was severely broke.

Yeah, YN had some serious shit to do for her plan. But being serious about plans paired with highschool? Impossible. And though she would never admit this, the down time was much needed after many years of struggling to survive.

There wasn't much to do now anyway.

Wasn't the person sitting next to Duke the guy from the convenience store?

So many things to do and find out, but not much time or will to do so. What a dilemma.

Should YN start streaming for money? She is broke...

No, she has shit to do!

Yeah, YN has shit to do. Regardless, YN chose to pass out as soon as the stream was over.

She was sure as hell cherishing her free time.

In the morning, she dragged herself out of bed and through her routine, not bothering to alter her outfit and instead chose the basic uniform that the school has. YN has no time, YN has shit to do. Eventually.

Though things seemed all unicorns and rainbows right now, YN has the feeling that things are going to get serious soon whether she likes it or not.

However, now is not the time. Instead, YN, currently outside of the classroom, observes as Yui Kim, a pretty yet fake girl who just so happens to be a top streamer, tries to give Daniel a gucci wallet. YN watches as Daniel turns it down and gives the girl another look. His gaze didn't linger long as he quickly spotted YN who had just entered. Almost as if he forgot the existence of the top streamer, Daniel stands up and waves to YN.

YN smiles and waves back. Yui throws a nasty side eye to YN that didn't go unnoticed. Side eyeing her back, YN pushes Yui aside to stand in front of Daniel's desk. 

Neither YN nor Daniel give Yui a second glance as the two fall into a light conversation, the teacher not being there as per usual. Yui eventually gave up and went back to her desk, only able to watch as YN doesn't hesitate to bring Jay in as well.

Later on, still no teacher in sight, YN couldn't help but overhear Zoe invite Yui and two other girls out to karaoke, getting a positive response from the group apart from Yui. Surprisingly, Zoe also gets YN's attention to invite her out as well, adding "girls night out!" Before YN could give a response, Yui finally spoke up.

"I'm not into singing," Yui says as she covers half her smile with a hand, "I wanna go shopping."

Immediately, the two girls who previously agreed with Zoe changed their minds to agree with Yui. YN couldn't help but let out a quiet sigh. Classic women fights.

"We can go to karaoke next time, Zoe. I'll set it up myself," YN says with a smile. "But for now, we can go with Yui's idea."

YN's 'kindness' for letting Yui chose the activity was nothing but an act to piss off Yui even more. And it worked. YN could see through Yui's strained smile from a mile away, and YN had to hold herself back from smirking.

"No, Jay, you can't join man," YN shakes her head at the blonde. "What part of 'girls night out,' well I guess 'day' now, do you not understand?"

"We can do something instead!" Daniel suggests, the blonde hastily nodding his head. "We can invite Vasco and Jace too!"

YN smiles at the two guys before gravitating to the group of girls she was supposed to go shopping with soon. YN makes sure to stick near Zoe as well as avoiding the existence of Yui.

in memory of you // lookismWhere stories live. Discover now