9.good deeds.9

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After the eventful weekend and the late night Sunday with cashier Daniel and Olly, Monday felt even more shitty for YN. She basically slept through the entire school day, only awake long enough to each lunch because of her friends who forced her to. Fortunately, the school day was mostly uneventful, meaning that there were no fights that would interrupt YN's sleep. By the time school was over for the day, YN felt well rested and ready to tackle the day, or afternoon now. If only she felt like this in the morning. This, however, also meant she would probably not get good sleep tonight either. In conclusion, her sleep schedule was screwed.

And now, YN was on call with Zoe. It had to be past 9, with the dark sky seen through the windows. Zoe kept up with her promise and called YN when she went out to throw away her trash.

"You know, lately all of my things have been going missing," Zoe comments with uneven breathing, likely descending down a hill.

"Oh? What kind of things?" YN asks, immediately getting a weird feeling. "Zoe?"

Instead of a response, a loud clattering sound came through that made YN yank her phone back before pulling it closer to yell the girl's name again in hopes of a response. There was still no answer, YN's only conclusion being that the other had dropped her phone. As YN decided to jump into action, she hears a distant shout from a familiar voice demanding Zoe to run. That was all she needed to run out of her house with not so much a jacket, the only thought to find Zoe and the cashier that sure as hell could not effectively defend either of them.

YN ran without exactly knowing where to go, deciding to check out the areas near the convenience store since it had to be close for Daniel to be there. She ran until she was out of breath, a string of curses leaving her lips as she goes through street upon street with no luck. As time seemed to fly by the more empty alleyways she looked through, YN's palms got sweatier and her heart beat grew faster despite her high endurance. Her senses were at the height of their sensitivity, looking for any signs to where they might be.

Doesn't this seem quite familiar?

A sound of footsteps shuffling and a thud against a hard surface immediately catches her attention, and YN is quick to swerve her path onto the one where the sound was heard. She picks up on the strong smell of alcohol, causing YN to only think of the worst. Knowing just how bad the effects of alcohol can be, she pushes herself to run faster despite her tiring legs.

She comes to a complete stop in front of the alley when she sees a lone figure staggering around, hitting the walls and slumping against one of them in a crouching position. Their head was in their arms, a can in their hand forgotten. Upon closer inspection, the person was a guy who had a rather impressive build and what seemed to be a tattoo. She couldn't make out much else due to the lack of lighting, but she could see his heaving shoulders and the way he swayed before pressing against the wall.

What should she do? YN doesn't have time to be standing around. She doesn't have time to help the clearly distressed drunk guy around her age when she needs to find Zoe and Daniel who are likely in danger.

Biting her lip, YN forces herself to turn away and continue her frantic search for new found friends. She was sure she could handle their situation quickly and come back to the guy before he got himself injured. When did she become so soft?

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she runs through the darkness and eventually finds a path illuminated by street lamps. She follows the lights, picking up on the sounds of shouting and hitting in the direction she was running. It has to be them.

At the entrance of the alley where the sounds of struggle is located, YN watches as Vasco comes running as well with a dumb bell in hand. He seems to miss YN as he runs and throws the dumb bell at a man attacking Daniel on top of Zoe, protecting her. The guy is thrown back with a bleeding and bruised face from the dumb bell, and YN couldn't help but let out a breath of relief. The guy seemed down for a moment from the heavy blow, especially since it was thrown by a man as strong as Vasco. With Vasco there, he could easily take down the attacker, since he looked significantly weaker than the former. It was safe to assume that they would be fine without YN when they had Vasco at their side.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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