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Report: Mavericks Analyst

There are different types of people in groups. There's usually the self proclaimed leader, the actual leader, the one who gets results, the critical support, and the others who follow orders well.

The self proclaimed leader in this group was definitely Hangman. He truly didn't know what he was doing, and was more focused on winging it. Granted, sometimes that works, but not in reality.

It was as if he was trying to be more then he actually was. It's concerning, but interesting. What is he trying to do?

The true leader is Rooster. This role rotates between Phoenix and him, but it's mostly him. He leads the group effectively, but not enough to get result that will get us a victory in any fight.

He's hesitant, and scared to do anything. That might be my fault... but we're not going to get into that.

He is holding a lot back, physically and emotionally. He needs to fix that if he wants to be my second for this mission.

Phoenix knows what to do. When given a shitty command from either Rooster and Hangman. She does what is best to get the best results for the team.

Her thought process is more suited for a leader, but I wouldn't put her in that position because she does what she thinks is right.

Other than that, she is nearly close to perfect. But I sense a tension between her and the rest of the group.

Bob is a support. There is no doubt about it, but I'm seeing him pick sides to support. It rotates between Rooster and Phoenix. It's like he already knows who is the loose cannon of the team.

I'm glad he does. He won't be mission leader with me, but he will have a high support job.

Coyote is faithful to Hangman and Hangman is faithful to Coyote. Coyote and him have history... that concerns me. Especially if something happens in combat.

He is very intelligent, and is an expert shot. He will most likely have a sniper role.

Payback and Fanboy are the two who confuse me. They compliment each other in the oddest of ways.

Both work together well as weapons officers. That's most likely where they'll end up.

This team needs work.

End of Report

As Maverick was about to turn off his computer, Ice walked in with a file. Maverick raised a brow.

"The president is heading into a gala tonight. There have been rumors of him getting assassinated tonight. Your job is to make sure that doesn't happen." Ice said. Maverick nodded and took the file.

As he was about to ask the details.

"It's for your team as well." Ice said as he turned. Maverick looked at him surprised and then sighed.

"Got it."

Ice turned and looked at him. Maverick met his gaze. The two stood there in silence until ice Sighed and closed the door and locked it.

"Pete... what's going on." Ice said as he turned fully towards him.

Maverick looked at him annoyed. "I'm getting sick and tired you trying to sent me on these damn group missions." He said as he started to shove things into his bag.

"It's for good reason." Ice said as he watched Maverick looked at him pissed off.

"And what reason is good enough to put a person who works solo on a team." Maverick said as he walked towards him. As he did, his team showed up outside the door and watched.

Ice looked at him sadly. "You're suicidal Maverick..." maverick paused and stepped back.

"What makes you think that?" he asked. His voice sounding small.

Ice sighed and sat down. "For the past four missions, besides this most recent, you have been throwing yourself into danger... more than an agent should. And don't even make me remind you of the time you ended up in the hospital and almost died in front of me..." Ice looked at him and saw a look of fear on Mavericks face.

"You've been doing this since Goose died... I don't intend to watch you bury yourself in guilt for something that wasn't even your fault." Ice said as he stood up.

"That's why... that's why you're on a team." Ice said as he opened the door.

"I thought this was the make me mature..." Maverick said.

Ice sighed and shook his head. "With the things you've seen, you've matured more than enough. Brief your team, and head out within the hour. I want a good report. I will present at the gala with my husband and daughter. Just letting you know." Ice stepped out and walked out.

Maverick simply held the bridge of his nose, hating how Ice could read his soul if he wanted to. He's been trying to get killed on missions for the past year, but he never was able to.

Now that he's on a team, he has to keep this team functional.

He hated his life.

Everyone got to the briefing room.

"Alright... tonight, we are guarding the president. There have been a lot of reports coming through our agency of an attempt that will be made on the president tonight."

"And our job is to make sure no one dies." Hangman said.

"Obviously." Rooster said.

"Yes. Make sure to be in formal attire that is black. I'll see you there at 8 tonight." He stepped out of the room.

He went to his quarters and sighed to himself as he leaned against the door. He looked at the clock that sat alone on his counter.

3:20 pm

His day felt as if it was longer. He simply cleaned up his quarters, organized something's and then laid down in his bed.

He stared at the ceiling and thought back to him and Ices conversation from earlier.

"You're suicidal..."

Maverick simply covered his face and then sighed. "If he had my life he would be too..." he said quietly.

He just wanted some sort of peace, silence....


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