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Maverick was asleep in the living room with Anne when he heard his door open. He looked over tiredly and saw Phoenix walk out. She had blood on her hands.

Maverick looked at terrified.

"He's stable". She said with a sigh. Maverick laid Anne on the couch and covered her with a blanket.

He stepped into the room as everyone clearing out. Ices eyes were slightly open. Maverick sat by his side and held his hand. "Tom..."

"Pete..." ice sighed in relief. "You're okay..."

Maverick rolled his eyes. "Stop worrying about everyone so much." Maverick said as he rubbed his knuckles.

Ice looked at him. "The president sent them..." he said quietly. Maverick figured much.

"Don't worry about that right now..."Maverick said. Ice shook his head and teared up.

"Y-you and your teams on her hit list. She has the peace project.... She knew about Sliders and I accident, she's coming for you guys." He said as he tried to sit up.

He cringed in pain but Maverick stopped him and looked him in the eye. "I won't let her take any of us out. I promise you that."

Ice looked at him and then looked down. "I failed you both..." he said as he started to fall into his darkness.

Maverick wrapped his arms around him gently and kept him close. That darkness that was around ice started to dissipate.

Ice just leaned his head on Mavericks shoulder. Maverick rubbed his back gently. "You haven't failed us at all..."

Ice held Mavericks shirt slightly and teared up as he just kept his head against his shoulder.

"You're the strongest man I know. Everything's going to be alright." Maverick said. Ice nodded slightly.

Ice closed his eyes and basked in Mavericks warmth and light. He couldn't lose this. Not again...

Maverick didn't want to lose Ice, who he considered his light, who pulled him out of his dark whole and saved him.

Madam President got news that Ice was still alive. She sighed.

She picked up her phone and dialed. "Yes. Release it. Let's bring him down." She said as she turned her television on.

Phoenix sat in the living room watching the news. Bob sat next to her. "You alright?" He asked. She nodded as she looked at him.

"Yeah. Just tired. Being a doctor is exhausting."
She said as the screen changed to breaking news.

Iceman's picture appeared on the screen.

Director of American Intelligence Agency Identity Released: Tom Kazansky.

Everyone paused as the news went across the screen. His identity was released...

Phoenix dropped the remote. "Oh no... oh no..." she said as she got up. She knocked on Mavericks door, and then walked in.

Maverick looked at her. Ice was now asleep on the bed. "What's up?"

"His identity has been released to the world..." Phoenix said. Maverick rushed out and watched the news. He couldn't believe it.

His identity was the most protected....

He didn't even get to share it. Pictures of Slider and Anne appeared on the screen, alongside pictures of Ice and Maverick. But mavericks face was blurred.

"Oh shit..."

Maverick was going to turn the TV off when it said Ice was a criminal, and was planning on selling US military weapons to the enemy overseas.

Maverick turned the TV off. "We need to get him out of the headquarters..." he said as he looked at his team.

"He isn't a criminal..." Maverick said as he started to stress.

Phoenix stood up and placed a hand on his shoulder. "We got you. Since all the agents are at training, we can move him quickly with no problem."

Rooster nodded. "We can use my moms house since she's in the hospital. She wouldn't mind." Rooster said quickly.

Hangman nodded. "I got some money if we need supplies." He said as he waved his wallet slightly.

Maverick nodded. "Okay. Fanboy, Coyote, get Anne to the house. Us five will get him out of here safely. Bob, get the car right out front." He said.

Bob nodded, grabbed the keys and ran.

The team split and did their assignments.

Maverick pulled a wheelchair into his room and parked it by the bed. He walked over to Ice and gently woke him up.

Ice looked at him. "What's going on..." He said tiredly.

"The president has released your identity, and is painting you to be a criminal...  we're getting you somewhere safer." Maverick said as he pulled Ice up carefully.

Ice groaned in annoyance pain as he was put into the wheelchair. Phoenix checked his injuries and gave them the all clear.

Maverick grabbed some clothes, Anne's bag, and some other things he needed and pushed Ice down the barracks hall.

Bob pulled the car up and opened the doors.
Hangman and rooster helped Ice into the back and laid him down on the back of the seats. Phoenix sat in the back and continued to play nurse.

Maverick got into the drivers seat while Rooster and Hangman got into the far back of the car. Maverick called Fanboy and Coyote.

"You two alright?"

"Yep. We're pulling up behind you two. We will follow you guys." Maverick gave them a thumbs up and hung up.

Everyone got situated and they all started to drive. Maverick drove onto the high way and sighed as he realized how far of a drive they have.

"Rooster, call your mother and let her know we're borrowing her house."

Rooster nodded.

The president set in her office. "Madam..." a agent said. She looked at the agent.

"The Director made a copy of the project..." he said. Her eyes widened. This caused a problem.

"Oh wow... he can disprove everything the White House released today..." she said. She frowned as she looked at her phone.

"Let's let them brew a bit... cause If he's injured he won't be doing anything for awhile, so we can find more fuel to add to his fire." She said as she sat down.

She turned in her chair and looked out the window.

"I Will end him..."

Agents - Top Gun AUWhere stories live. Discover now