CH:25 "Merry Christmas"

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CH:25 "Merry Christmas"

(Celeste POV)

Ji-Cheol and I have spent a lot of time together; we have been around each other constantly from the day, and we can say that we decided to connect in that way, or what Ji-Cheol likes to call it, making love.

While we were spending time together, we got to know each other more and more about our likes and dislikes; we found new things every day and something that we enjoyed doing with each other.

Now, it was Christmas. A holiday and we were both planning to do something nice for each other, mainly because we didn't have any gifts to give each other, so we decided to do something else.

Something different. We decided to make each other our favorite meals and dessert to give to each other for Christmas.

It was an idea that Ji-Cheol came up with, and of course, it was something that I found myself liking. The idea of it was cute as well. Everything Ji-Cheol does is pretty; it is official. That man smote me. He could do nothing wrong. Well, in my eyes right now, at least.

"It smells delicious," Ji-Cheol said, coming right behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Well, I'm glad you think so," I said; I could see him trying to take a peek at what I was making, and I shooed him away.

"Nope, don't even think about it. Especially when you didn't even let me take a peek at what you were making." I said to him, and he raised his hands and stepped back.

I laughed at his behavior, which caused a smirk to appear on his face.

"You're right about that, and I shouldn't do that to you. After all, you were on your best behavior once I told you to know to peek. I should do the same." He said, smiling and turning around to walk towards what he was doing.

"Good, I'm watching you, so don't try to fool me," I said to him; Ji-Cheol turned around with shock and a fake insulted look.

"I would never do something to disobey you. I promise I am a good boy." He said.

"Uh-huh, sure. I want you to know I am watching you. I have eyes on the back of my head." I said to him; he laughed and raised his brows up and down.

"That's hot; we could do a lot with that." He said, causing me to flush and turn my attention back to what I was doing before.

"Oh no, it was just getting good, and now you're turning around right after you just started what you started," Ji-Cheol said with a teasing tone to his voice.

"We're too busy for what you're trying to do," I said to him.

"We're never too busy for that." He said. I already knew the type of expression he had on his face. I didn't need to turn around to see it.

I was sure of it. I was convinced that he was currently pouting right now.

Since we were in bed together, Ji-Cheol has not been able to keep his hands off me. At all, whatsoever. This is something that I wasn't used to in the relationship I was in before. Many things that Ji-Cheol has either done to me or things we have done together were things that I had never experienced before until I met him.

I loved every moment; he made me feel wanted, adored, and treasured. He shows me that in and out of bed, but we can't afford to be distracted right now. We had to finish the things in the kitchen. After all, this is a Christmas gift from us to each other.

And it's hard to keep my hands off him; it was scary at first. Ever since the first night we did it, my body just became addicted to his or just his presence.

I found myself constantly wanting him near, to be around me. It could be sleeping together in bed, cuddling, or sitting next to each other. It could be making out, making love which makes me smile whenever Ji-Cheol corrects me if I call it any other way.

Who would have thought that he would be a hopeless romantic? It surprised me, but I also should have seen it coming with how he was behaving after the first session, but it is nice to feel wanted by someone all the time.

It makes me feel special, like I have someone who always wants me and wants to be around me, and I found myself not having any issues with that. I found myself liking that.

The feelings I had for Ji-Cheol kept growing, and I was someone who wasn't going to stop that growth.

"Are you almost done?" Ji-Cheol asked me, causing me to roll my eyes playfully.

"Yes, I am almost done. Are you done already?" I asked him, not turning around to face him. I could tell he was staring at me, and I could feel his stare on my back.

"Yes, I am done." He said with a proud tone to his voice.

I was eager to find out what he made me, Ji-Cheol food was top quality all the time and super delicious. I found myself loving the times he cooks, and I always look forward to his cooking. Whether it's breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I know I'm getting something good, and I love that.

"Oh, I can't wait to taste your food. I know it's going to be delicious for sure." I said, feeling excited about it.

"I feel the same way about your food." He said, right behind me.

I turned around to face him; he was staring at me with a look that I didn't understand.

But it was a look that honestly took my breath away, a look that I wanted to ask what the meaning was, but part of me held myself back.

It's too soon to ask that question or to hear anything about the meaning behind that look.

"Are you done?" He asked me.

I nodded my head.

I was done, and I know he couldn't see what I made because I made sure of it.

"So, do you want me to present mine to you first?" I asked him.

He nodded eagerly, and I held back the urge to tease him.

"Okay, sit in front of the island, and I'll do that," I said. He looked like he thought it through and decided exactly what I asked him to do, but before he moved, he kissed me.

Ji-Cheol was a great kisser, too much of a great kisser.

I watched him walk happily to the island, and I tried not to chuckle out loud because sometimes he just reminded me of a Golden Retriever with his behavior.

I brought the meal to him and placed it before him; Ji-Cheol's eyes widened.

"So what do you think? When you and I talked, you said that you haven't had that meal since you were a kid in the church and wanted to have it again." I said to him. Ji-Cheol stayed silent for a while before he picked up his fork and took a bite of the food I had made.

Silence filled the room. He raised his head to look up at me, and the look he gave me stunned me.

He had unshed tears in his eyes as he continued to eat.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, worried I screwed up.

He nodded his head.

"Everything is perfect; you're perfect. Thank you. I love this." He said, smiling.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

These two are just great together; what do you Dolls think?

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-Kassandra Vivu

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