Chapter 2: not useful

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"I want to divorce you!"

As soon as this remark came out, Shen Jue, who was still slapping, stopp ed, looked down at the drunk man lying on the bed, and said coldly, "Do you know what you are talking about now?"

She wants to divorce herself? This is as outrageous as if she wanted to let herself escape at the wedding.

The gloomy look in Shen Jueshu's e yes became more and more intense. Wasn't she the one who worked so hard to get this wedding? What are you pretending to be with her now?

Shen Jueshu looked at Suiyu, the an ger in his eyes was about to burst out. In his previous life, after the two of them got married, Suiyu tried every mean s to mark her. Such a person would be so easy now. Say divorce?

Thinking of this, Shen Jueshu's face suddenly froze. Since he can be reborn, is Sui Yu also reborn now?

If you think about it this way, it is not difficult to explain why she suddenly changed her attitude. After catching her in the previous life, she also locked her in the basement and returned all the m ethods she had imposed on her before! So, is she afraid?

Shen Jueshu's face was gloomy. After a long time, she suddenly smiled softly. If this is the case, then this matter will become much more fun.

She wants to see how long Suiyu can pretend!

"Divorce is not impossible." Shen Ju e said calmly, raising her hand to look at her manicure dyed cardamom red, and then said: "But not now, we just got married, if we divorce now, it will spread that there is something wrong with our face. It will look good."

Sui Yu's confused mind was a bit overwhelmed, but he felt that what she s aid was very right. After oh, he rolled on the bed and wrapped the quilt around himself.

"Although it is said that we can't divorce for the time being, we already have the idea of divorce! So we can't sleep together!"

Shen Jueshu: "..." After this person came back, did his temperament change?

"Then don't worry, I don't want to sleep with you either." She pulled the corners of her lips suddenly, and said with a sneer, "After all, I think you're dirty."

Hearing the words, Suiyu was furious, unable to distinguish the reality for a while, she tried her best to raise her head, and said in a very angry tone: "Don't spitting blood! How can I be dirty when I am a solo mother!"

She has never even held anyone else's little hand, this sentence is too slanderous! It is completely to the extent of spreading rumors!

Shen Jueshu just twitched the corners of his lips, not believing it at all.

Who doesn't know that she went in and out of the major clubs with the general manager and became a frequent visitor there, and even heard that she played a lot of tricks, and it was almost spread in their circles.

After the two of them stopped talking, Suiyu also smelled the strong smell of alcohol on her body, and staggered down from the bed. She pointed to the bed and said to Shen Jueshu, "You have someone come in and cover the bed with something. Change it, and then you sleep on the bed, and sleep on the sofa!"

Although she is not very clear-headed now, she still remembers one thing, that is, she should take good care of girls.

It's just that every time Suiyu takes care of others, he often ignores that she is actually a girl who needs to be taken care of.

Shen Jueshu watched her staggering towards the bathroom, and finally called someone to come in and change all the bedding, then took out her mobil e phone to deal with work matters, and at the same time waited for the drunk to come out and get well Go in and wash up.

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