chapter 4

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*Liam's POV*

I step out of the darkness as the hooded figure moves towards Niall and Aaliyah's newborn child.

"Step away from the baby or you will not live to see another day." I say, moving towards the figure but it moves closer.

I grab the cloth covering the figure and yank it off but am shocked by what I saw. A girl.

The vision ends and I look across the room to Niall, who was there for a celebratory dinner. He nods to the other room and walks into it, me following behind soon.

"So someone is going to try and kidnap my child?" He asks and I nod slowly.

"I believe that I stop her though." I mumble.

"Someone will stay with Aaliyah everyday until she gives birth and after that, Liam, you will kill the woman." Niall says, loud enough for every vampire in the house to hear but not Aaliyah,"we start tomorrow."

*Aaliyah's POV*

After dinner at Louis's house, Niall and I went home. We sat on the couch in each others arms, watching television when he speaks up,"Aaliyah, I think it would be best of we moved into Louis's house until you have the baby. You can't go to a regular hospital because the baby could grow very fast so you'll have to deliver at home andd I know nothing about delivering a baby."

I look up at him but not a little,"whatever makes you more comfortable about having the child."

"Are you still scared?"

"A little. I'm just trying to figure out how to be a good mother. I never had a role of it my life that I can remember well enough to base my actions off of. What if I betray my baby like she did me?"

Niall gives me a quizzical look,"betrayed you? Didn't you say she died?"

I sigh,"I haven't told the complete truth. My mother is said to have left but she just disappeared off the face of the earth. When I was a teenager I spent a couple of years looking for her through records and internet but I didn't find anything. When she first disappeared, a puddle of blood in the middle of the woods was identified as hers but they never found a body."

"I am so sorry all of this happened to you, baby, I wish I could have stopped it or somehow go into the past and stopped it from happening."

"The past is in the past, Niall, plus if all that hadn't happened we never would have met."

"With our love we would have found each other somehow."

I giggle,"that was so cheesy."

Niall grins and leans forward, kissing my nose, both cheeks, my forehead, and finally my lips. I feel a flutter in my stomach and I pull away with wide eyes.

"I-it moved." I say, looking down at my stomach.


"The baby, it moved."

The small movement amazed me and brought joy to me. This was an amazing feeling, one I had never imagined would bring this much joy and love to my heart.

"Can I feel?" Niall asks, happiness shining in his eyes. I nod and place his hand on the place that I had felt the movement. I feel it once again and I look to my waiting husband.

"Did you feel it?" I ask and he nods excitedly.

"I love you and this baby so much I can't even tell you. Being able to have a family with you makes me so happy and I am so glad we are able to. Don't be afraid anymore because we will learn and do this together every step of the way."


suckish but cute ending. I kind of like this chapter.

Sorry for not updating yesterday I forgot, I'm on vacation and I slipped my mind.

xx -C




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