chapter 14

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*Niall's POV*

As fast as we can, we run back home. It was a day's run, one we would have to make in a few minutes. We push ourselves to the limit, hoping that we can make it in time.

I'm worried about my wife and child. I hope that Zayn, who has no medical knowledge, won't have to deliver my baby.

*Zayn's POV*

"They're on their way but they're far away. They won't make it. Liam told me to do it if it gets to bad," I tell Perrie, Eleanor, and Louis.

Aaliyah lays on her back on a metal bed, holding Louis' hand with a tight grip. Eleanor and Perrie were trying to prepare for her having the baby, grabbing blankets, towels, and the scalpel.

I was told to wait a full ten minutes before trying to get the baby out, unless something went wrong.

"Zayn, she's getting pale and cold. We have to do this if she or the baby have a chance of living," Louis says breaking me of my thoughts. I could hear Aaliyah's heart getting softer by the minute. I nod slowly, walking towards them. Perrie and Eleanor walk out of the room, being new vampires and couldn't control themselves around human blood.

I pick up the scalpel and slowly bring it to Aaliyah's stomach. My hand shakes and I can't keep it still, no matter how much I try. I shake my,"I can't do it, Louis, you're going to have to."

He nods and we switch places. Louis is calm as he slides the knife over her stomach slowly. She makes a half whimper, half scream sound of pain.

I hear Louis curse quietly and I look to see his hand disappear into her stomach. I hear the sound of ripping flesh and Aaliyah screams painfully.

*Aaliyah's POV*

I feel a burning pain as if my stomach was being torn open. I couldn't see what was happening and I fight to stay conscious.

Suddenly a loud, high pitched baby's scream fills the air. The sound melts my heart and I breathe out in relief.

Louis comes into my veiw with my baby in his arms,"its a girl. She seems to be fully human. Warm, heart beat, no red eyes, no fangs. Would you like to hold her?"

I nod and he steps forward, lowering the baby into my arms. As soon as I do, she stops crying. I look down at her to see that she has dark hair with a slight red tint. She opens her eyes and I see bright blue eyes, much like Niall's.

"She's perfect," I say weakly,"so perfect."

*Louis' POV*

"She's perfect," Aaliyah says, barely able to speak,"so perfect."

She leans her head back and I see the smile slip her face slowly. She breathes out in one long breath and her hold on the baby goes slack slightly. My eyes widen slightly and I pick up the child.

"No, no, no," Zayn says and steps forward. I see him start chest compressions as I wrap the baby into a blanket and walk to another room, setting her in a small crib. I go back to the room with Aaliyah and Zayn, seeing no difference.

"Is she..?" I ask and he turns to me.

"Her heart is still beating, barely. If Niall and Liam get here in a few minutes they should be able to turn her."


Horrible ending.

1 chapter + epilogue left!

XX- c




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