chapter 3

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So, I told you how I got my powers but now something big is going to happen, me and Delilah were having so much fun, as the sun was going down we sat down and talked about stuff, I was in my human form at that time I was wearing a black dress that went all the way down to my ankles, the creatures made me this dress so I could feel more relaxed than my other clothes, "Victoria, shall we go into the forest and go hunting, I asked mother earlier and she it was fine but we had to be careful" "the forest, um okay, lets go" as I turned into my wolf form, my wolf fur was the same as Delilah's, so as we went into the forest I suddenly stopped, we were a mile away from home also known as the Moors "Victoria what is it" I gasped as I heard them coming even closer to us "humans, quickly hide behind the bushes" I said using my mind so the humans won't here us, although I may be human but I just couldn't trust them "lets look over here" says a male voice coming towards our way with two other men "what are we going to do" Delilah says using her mind "I'll distract them, while there concentrating on me you make a run for it" "what, no, they will kill you" "it's the only way, besides do you want humans to follow us back home and destroy all of the Moors" "your right, okay I'll wait until there on your tail, good luck" "thanks I'll meet you back home" as we were mind chatting, one of the men said "so where is she" "I dont know but there's something here, there that bush" as they were coming towards us, I quickly jumped out of the bushes and attacked them, two of the men had weapons one with a sword, the other with a gun and the last one didn't have anything, the man with the sword had a go at me but failed so I knocked him down pretty hard, next was the one with gun as he fired Delilah quickly ran back home to the Moors, but the bullet missed me and I knocked him down as well, he tried to punch me but he missed so I bit his wrist and as I knocked him down climbed on his chest, like what dogs do when they're playing and as I was just about to kill him I looked at his wrist and I saw it started to heal, I looked into his eyes and he also gazed back, I had a feeling I knew what he was and I was so shocked that I jumped of him and tried to run away but, I got shot in the leg, I squealed/ yelped and im pretty sure Delilah heard me, as I tried make a run for it I saw net come down from the trees and land right on top of me, I knew that I wasn't going to get out of this alive, as I growled at the men my eye sight started to get blurry and before I fainted I heard one of the men say "she will be useful, let's take her back to base" and so I fainted and fell asleep for a couple of hours I dont know how many but it felt like a really long time as we got to their base I opened my eyes a tiny bit and my eye sight was still blurry it was only for a short moment that I heard a new male voice and I heard "we have another wolf, but he shot her" "fix her up, when she's healed and well enough to fight put her with the others" "others they captured more" I thought to myself and I ssuddenly drifted away again, probably a couple hours later as I was sleeping I suddenly woke up and growled at the person who was the exact same person from the forest and he was the person who's wrist was healing, as I kept on growling he backed away and then tried to get the bullet out of my leg, but I kept growling at him because I didn't want to touch my injured leg and then he said "do you want your leg to be healed or not" he sighed and then I sighed but I didn't need any treatment because I could heal on my own but I would need water because is the thing that keeps you alive and heals you right, but allowed him to fix my wound to save all the trouble and give me time to figure a way out of this place and back home to Delilah and my mother, although I wanted to go to sleep, I just couldn't in this place and with him, as he finished fixing my wound and getting the bullet out he gave a bowl of water and he said "your welcome" and so I nodded back to him to say thanks back to him and then he just stared at me for a moment and just left the room and I also stared as well and then drank my water, yes from the bowl like what normal animals do and I was so tired I fell asleep still in my wold form.


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