chapter 7

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the Moors, is a beautiful place for all magical creatures, this is a new chapter which is diffrent sadly yes, there is going to be another kidnapping im sorry but that's just the story,
I was having one last look of home because we were moving to the human world so then me and Delilah could go to school, it took ages for my mum and Delilah could learn how to be human and do all the things that humans do in life and I also taught my mother to drive an actual car, yes I can drive but normally drive bikes so yeah, my mother shouted at me whilst I said goodbye to the Moors, dont worry I can go back home whenever I want if we had, "Victoria it's time to go", I took one last view and went down to see my mother waiting for me, in her human form she had long black hair, blue eyes and she was wearing a grey suit, "there you are Victoria, where have you been" "I was saying one last goodbye" "okay, anyway lets get in the car we have a long journey ahead of us" I got in car sitting behind mother, the car was the colour black and the make was a Volvo, I was sitting next to Delilah, in Delilah's human she had short blonde hair and blue eyes, I had long brown hair and I to had blue eyes, "you ready girls" mum said giving a smile at is, "ready" Delilah said looking excited, "let's go" I said, mother then started driving im glad I taught her to drive, it turns out she was really good at it, I was staring out into the window to see the view then Delilah started mind chatting, "you okay Victoria" "yeah im okay" "is it the move" "I dont know" "are you scared, nervous or shy" "maybe, I dont know" I continued to stare at the window all I could see were trees, more trees and guess what even more trees, I thought I saw something in the woods, I guess it was just my imagination,
a few hours later, still staring at the trees, my mum said, "we're in the town, it's called Rose Wood, isn't it beautiful" we came our way out of town, there was a 15 minutes of silence until we came round a corner, " were here, our new home" "wow it's huge" Delilah said sounding surprised, my mother stopped the car and we got out, "so what do you think" "amazing" "what do you think Victoria?" "I dont know, I guess it's pretty" I grabbed all of my stuff out of the car and walked in the house, I then walked up the stairs to find my room, I found a room that had an amazing view of the forest behind the house and next to the window there was a tree which I could easily climb down and back up,"looks like they forgot to paint and put up some wallpaper, luckily there's some on the side next to the bed, there was purple paint and the wallpaper had birds and hearts on it, it took me ten minutes to do my wallpaper and paint, "im finally done" the birds were blue, the hearts pink, the ceiling white and the rest was purple, I found another door in my room, inside there was an en suite bathroom, "for once they actually have a shower" I closed the door, I sat next to my window,I dont know what they're called but for now lets call it a chair window, you know what I mean, I looked out into the forest thinking of exploring there, I got up and made shore everything was in place, a desk with my computer with wolf sticker on the back was next to window and all kind of other stuff on the desk as well, my wardrobe was next to my window as well only a few inches away from the window and was in the middle of the wall, my double bed in the corner against the wall just how I like it, my mum came into my room and sat next to me on the bed,"so, what do you think" "it's okay" "do you like your new room" "yeah I guess it's pretty amazing, including the en suite bathroom" "wow,Victoria what's wrong, is it the move" "I do miss my friends though" "you'll see them again, we'll visit home whenever we want to" "okay" "okay, let me know if you need anything, oh and tomorrow your going to your new school with Delilah as well" "yep okay" "so your going to need everything on this list" "okay I'll go into town with Delilah later" "it's 9 o clock now so, you could go after dinner" "okay" my mother left the room and I looked at the list she gave to me, which she probably found on the internet,"a bag, pencil case, books to read, pens, pencils and stuff" I put the list on my desk and went down stairs, as I was walking down the stairs heading straight to the opened door my mum stopped me,"Victoria where are you going" "im going to go and explore the forest" "okay" "can I come" Delilah said while coming down the stairs,"yeah shore" "okay but dont go too far, okay" "okay!" me and Delilah said, we went outside, around the house and stared at the green grass underneath us, "wow look at the grass, it smells like home" "wait before we go into the forest we have to change our form" "your right, you never know what might be in there" we both changed into our wolves form, our fur still white as a snow drop/ or white as snow, we ran into the garden which had a water fountain, not to big, not to small just right, and we ran into the forest, as we were running in the forest we suddenly got tired and found a really nice tree to sit next to, "ugh im so tired" let's just take a nap" "not to long though, mother will get angry and scared" "of course" we said while, of course using mind chat, we both took a nap, an hour later I heard growling, I opened my very lazy eye to see who or what was growling and I saw two brown wolves and one black wolf in between them, he was taller than the other two, I closed my eye going back to sleep and I felt a wet nose touching my head, he was sniffing me, I quickly opened my eyes in a flash and growled at them, the tall one stepped back and just stared at me, Delilah woke up and yawned and when she saw the other wolves she got up and backed away slowly,"Victoria what's going on" "I dont know, try mind chatting them" "okay" "hello who are" no response," it's not working, maybe there diffrent" "diffrent as in stray" "yep their stray wolves" "they probably dont know what the Moors is or where it is" "let's try to go back home" as I got up the middle one started to growl at me, I looked at him and I barked at him twice trying to say we need to leave, he nodded and we ran as hell back home, we got home in front of the house,"thew that was close" "yeah, lets eat dinner and head to town" we turned into our human form and went inside, mother was in the kitchen making dinner,"hi mother" "oh hi kids how was the forest" it was good" "breakfasts ready" "what are we having" "sandwiches, waffles and some cookies and milk" "yummy" "yay" as we ate dinner and when we had finished, "girls you better get going" "okay mother" we left the house and started walking down the hill into town, one we stepped foot inside of Rose Wood, Delilah was so excited,"wow it's amazing" "spectacular" "okay we need to get these things" "okay" we first went into the shop that had all of the things you will need for school, it was called back to school, we first got bags, Delilah got a dark blue ocean bag and I got a shoulder bag that had a wolf on it and I could basically fit tons of stuff in it which I loved, pencil case I got another, of course a wolf on it and Delilah got pencil case with Paris on it, then we just got pens, pencils, rubbers, calculator and others, then we went home and when we stepped through the door I heard laughing, I heard mums voice and some other guys voice, "who is that" "I dont know but we're gonna find out", I stepped in the living and saw mother laughing,"oh girls glad your here" we stared at her looking like, what are you doing mother,"girls this is Nick Michaels, Mr Michaels these are my daughter's, Delilah and Victoria" "hello" Delilah said and shook his hand,"hello Delilah" he said,"hi, Victoria" he said and placed out his hand for me to shake, "hi" I then shook his hand and I felt something weird,"anyway I have to go it was nice meeting you all" and then he left,"mother dont we have a last name" "and what did you say your name was" "I said my name is Sara" "Sara what" "I didn't" "mother you could use my last name since I used to be human, Coulton" "Sara, Delilah and Victoria Coulton, I love it Victoria" "okay I'll make tea and then we'll watch a film and go to bed" "great" my mother went into the kitchen and me and Delilah got ready for school tomorrow, we then went downstairs and mother shouted for us," tea's ready" we were having chips and pizza,"yay, my favorite" after we finished we watched a whole season called mako mermaids which was also my favorite, it was now 11 o clock and we were getting for bed, I said goodnight to Delilah and mother,"night Delilah, night mother" "goodnight Victoria, goodnight Delilah" "night mother, night Victoria" I shut my door and I closed my window, when I closed the window, I saw someone outside and he disappeared into the forest, I opened the window and climbed out of the window and down the tree, " luckily im not wearing my PJ's" I thought to my self, I was now in the forest trying to find the mysterious stranger, as I kept walking in the forest I heard growling and twigs snapping, I stopped, looking around to find out what and where the growling noise was coming from, I started walking backwards but the growling kept coming closer and closer and so I ran back to the house as fast as I could, as I was running I heard a bark and I tripped and banned my head on the ground,"ow" I heard a twig snap right behind me,"gasped" I gasped, and right in front of my eyes, I came face to face with a wolf, with the fur of black like the dark sky, I was and wasn't scared, then the wolf stepped a little close and I closed my eyes and suddenly the wolf licked me on where I banned my head, I opened my eyes,"gasped" I gasped in relief that the wolf didn't harm me, I looked into the wolf's eyes and he looked back into mine, I heard a diffrent wolf's howl and the wolf looked back and then looked at me, it looks he was saying goodbye, he looked really disappointed and sad and ran to the wolf's howl, I got up and went home, I climbed up the tree and got into my PJ's and went to bed and fell asleep, hoping that I might see the wolf again

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