chapter 8

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I woke up and smiled, I got out of bed and took a shower, I got dressed, I wore blue jeans, a dark blue, ocean top and a black cardigan and I put on my purple pumps, I looked into the mirror and saw a red mark on my head, looks like when I banned my head and wolf licked it, it like sort of cured it, never mind I then grabbed my stuff and went downstairs for breakfast,"morning sweet heart" "morning mother" "here's your breakfast" "yay cheese sandwich" "Victoria when is it your birthday" "27th of June, only a few weeks away" "okay, I was just making shore that I would remember" "okay", Delilah came in, "hi mother, hi Victoria" "hey Delilah" "what time is it" "half past seven, dont worry we have a few minutes" me and Delilah finished breakfast and mum drove us to school in her Volvo, when we got to school I saw people staring at our car," bye girls" "bye mother" me and Delilah said, we got out of the car and mother drove, Delilah looked scared,"it will be okay" "easy for you to say" "come on" we both walked up to the school and headed straight towards this thing called SSC, when we got SSC we talked to a woman," hi how can I help you both" "um we're both new here" "what are your names" "Delilah and Victoria Coulton" "yes, here are your new time tables and planners" "thankyou" me and Delilah both looked at each others time table and saw that we were in nearly all the same classes except, food tech, d-tech, computer science and art, "what's PE" "PE is where you do loads of sports and activities dont worry it's easy I'll help you along the way, okay" "okay", by the way Delilah was wearing, blue jeans, white top and a red cardigan,"I've got computer science first what do you have" "I've got art", we do have the same lessons but some not on the same days" we both separated and headed towards our lesson, I was in B7, I saw people moving, I guess it was time for lessons, one minute later I had finally found B7, I saw people already in their and I knocked on the door," everyone this is our new student" "so what's your name" the kind woman asked me, "my name is Victoria Coulton" "now tell us about yourself Victoria, where did you move from" "I just moved here from Hollywood" I lied a lot of people looked impressed, even I know I lied,"well thankyou Victoria please sit in that empty chair next to that young man" "okay" I sat down in the chair putting my stuff on the floor, "now everyone if may or may not know this, im Mrs Coleman I will be your teacher, now could you all please sign in on the computer,"okay I gotta type up in the username, vico270602 and my password, I have to create one, im gonna put pointlessWolf", this is not a real username and password it's just made up okay, "okay what next" I thought to myself, "next you need to open up Photoshop in start, all programs", "okay start, all programs and im gonna guess in this adobe master thing, I clicked on it and I saw Photoshop, I clicked Photoshop and waited until it loaded and finally loaded up" "okay one your on all programs click adobe master collection and click Photoshop" "wow im already one step ahead, since it's been ages since I last went to my school" "okay now click in the top right corner the first button and go on the internet","still one step ahead of them", "okay now please select any picture you want and then save it into your file" "now im gonna chose a wolf picture of course, and I'll save it into my file and go back on Photoshop", okay this might start getting you bored, so we finished creating our work and it was the end of the lesson, I now have Spanish with Delilah, me and Delilah went to Spanish which was in F1, and knocked on the door politely, "come in" I heard, "you must be the new students, im Mrs Mauryand I will be your Spanish teacher, so would you like to tell us about yourself" "im Delilah" "and im Victoria" "and we're sisters" "okay would you two like to sit over there" we walked over to table in the corner with two seats, as we sat down everyone stared at us, probably thinking, oh my god there hot says a boy, maybe they should join our group says another girl, Spanish was really fun, then apperntly was break time, me and Delilah hanged out with each other,next we had maths in H2 with a teacher called Mr Merton which I have to say was fun and boring at the same time, I had art and Delilah had computer science, my art teacher is called Mrs Price she was very kind,"hello my name is Mrs Price, and you are" "Victoria Coulton miss" "okay could you sit next to Violet Moon please" "okay" I honestly do like that name, I sat next to the girl called Violet Moon,"hi" she said,"hi" "im Violet" "im Victoria" "do you wanna be friends" "okay" I said, Mrs Price asked us to draw our favorite animal, everyone started to draw their animals, I drew an excellent wolf, Violet saw what I was drawing,"wow I love wolves, im drawing one to" Violet whispered so no one can here us,"I love wolves to" "your wolf is amazing" "thanks your wolf is amazing to" I whispered we finished drawing our wolves, Violet's wolf was howling under the moon, mine was walking in the forest, so the rest of the lesson me and Violet drew wolves, it was now the end of the lesson, Delilah wasn't on my lunch break but Violet was, we went towards a table and sat down together and started eating and talking about stuff, a few girls that looked very popular came over to us,"hi" "hi" "what are you doing" "what do you mean" she cand a little closer to me whispering something in my ear,"I mean what are you doing with her" "who Violet she's my friend" "well come and hang out with us and be popular" "excuse" "I can help you become popular" "im sorry but I think I'll just be fine" "okay suit yourself" Violet smiled I think she heard our conversation, I know Violet didn't have any friends at school so I think I should be the first one,"thanks" "hey im your friend I couldn't just leave here and become popular, I would never do that" "thanks" it was now the end of lunch, me and Violet headed to drama and met Delilah,"Delilah this is Violet, Violet this is my sister Delilah", they both said hi and suddenly became friends, we sat next to each other in drama, our teacher was called Mrs Kershaw,"hi im Mrs Kershaw and I'll be your drama teacher" I saw the boy from my computer science lesson I honestly have to say he was handsome,"okay would like to us your names and probably something about yourself" "im Victoria","im Delilah" "and we just moved here from Hollywood","okay please put your stuff in the corner over there" we looked at where she pointed," and then grab a chair and sit where ever you want" we grabbed a chair and placed it next to Violet's, me,Delilah and Violet had so much fun in drama,"okay it's the end of the day and please stack the chairs and stand very quietly" everyone stacked there chair and stood quietly,"okay you may go, class dismissed" me,Delilah and Violet headed to the front of the school where our mother was waiting,"bye Victoria,bye Delilah" "bye Violet" "bye Violet see you tomorrow" "okay" me and Delilah got in mother's car and drove back home,"who's that girls" "our new friend,Violet" "uh okay" we got back home and saw Mr Michaels waiting on our front porch, we got out of the car and mother started talking to him,"Mr Michaels what are you doing here" "I was just checking if everything and everyone was okay" "well thankyou very much" I decided to go round the back of the house than listen to mother's conversation with 'Nick', as I got to my tree I heard the same wolf howl, the one that didn't attack me, I stared into the forest looking deeply at it, I know the wolf wanted to see me again and I wanted to see him, my mother was shouting for me which knocked me out of my trance,"there you are Victoria" "mum" "what are you doing" 'Nick Michaels' appered from the corner,"nothing mother" "what seems to be the problem, Mrs Coulton" "Victoria disappeared from my sight" "Victoria can you please go the shops and get me these things, I'll be right back to give the money" mother went in the house to get the money,"so, Victoria how was your first day of school" "fine" I muttered, mother came back with the money and then gave it to me,"Victoria take your bike so you dont have to walk" "okay" dont worry it's a 12 year old bike If your wondering, I went over to my purple bike, grabbed my black helmet, got on my bike and rode to town, I got to town and found a shop/ supermarket called Tesco, I put my bike in the bike rack and put my helmet on the handle bars and went into the store, first on the list was milk, I grabbed a small trolley and went to the milk section, I grabbed two bottles of milk, next was bread, after I got everything and bought everything I bumped into Violet,"Violet" "Victoria what are you doing here" "im doing shopping for my mum but now I have to leave" she looked nervous and scared,"Violet are you okay" "yeah, so I'll see you at school" "okay, bye" "bye" I was wondering why she was so nervous, I got on my bike, put on my helmet, put the bags on the handle bars one on each side and went home, I got in the house, went to the kitchen and placed the bage on the table and went upstairs, I place my bag on my bed, I then went back downstairs and told mother I was going out,"mother im going out" "where" "the forest" "be careful" I saw Nick Michaels staring at me and then gave a smile, I went outside and went to into the forest, I was trying find the wolf but after 5 minutes, he was nowhere to be seen I turned round and started walking back home, I then heard a growl and then a howl from behind me, I turned round and saw the three wolves that found me and Delilah, I saw them growling at me and I ran because they tried to come at me, as I ran for my life, I heard them coming closer to me, as I was running I tripped, clumsy me, I looked behind me looking at the wolves, one of the brown wolves came at me and I kicked him in the face, I heard him whine and went back a bit, suddenly out of know where a black wolf came out running from the bushes and stepped in front of me, I recognized the scent, it's the wolf from earlier, he was defending me, I couldn't understand what they were saying to each other because they were strays, I have got to ask mother on how to talk to strays, the 3 wolves ran away back into the forest, the wolf that just saved me, stared at me and lied down on my tummy and I lied down as well, the wolf started licking my hands and so I gave out a small smile, I stroked the wolf's fur, the fur was softer than a pillow, it was exactly like my wolf's fur, strange I thought to myself, a short time later I heard my mother shouting,"gasped, I gotta go I'll see you later" the wolf nodded and I ran back home, my mother was standing outside," where have you been" " I lost track of time" "lets go inside, come on" I went inside and had my tea and went upstairs, it was now 10 o clock, I took a shower and went to bed, while I was asleep I suddenly woke up by someone, it was Nick just great," hello Victoria, sorry for waking you up" "what do you want" I closed my eyes trying to get back to sleep," I saw you in the forest" suddenly my eyes opened wide and I couldn't close them," what do you know" "I saw you with a wolf" "what wolf" he laughed"the wolf that you were with after you were attacked" I sat up and just stared at him,"what" "dont worry, I'll keep your secret, he left the room and I went back to sleep hoping that he wouldn't tell my mother or anyone else.

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