chapter 9

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today was a new day, I got out of bed and I remembered what Nick said to me last night,"oh my god" I ran up to the window and just saw the forest, there wasn't anything in their, I quickly took a shower and got dressed, today I was wearing, blue jeans, blue top and a blue jacket, all blue, my mother told me a song I could sing if I was in trouble it goes like this, "im gonna be a little girl all the way home" I grabbed my stuff and my PE kit and went downstairs, in my PE bag there was a blue top, black shorts and some black trainers which I bought, I had PE today with Delilah, I went into the kitchen and saw mum and Delilah,"good morning Victoria" "morning mother" "so Victoria" "yes Delilah" "apparently we're doing PE with the girls and boys" "oh yeah, when I was a little girl, at primary school we had to do it with the boys, but sometimes we do at secondary school as well" "it's only for this week" "good" one we had finished our breakfast we got in the car and drove to school,"after school I won't be able to take you home" "why" "I got a new job, starts at 9 finishes at 9" "what's the job about" "im a news person" "okay" we got to school and mother went to work, our first lesson was geography in C12, after geography had finished next was PE with the boys, we went to the changing rooms got into our PE kit and went on the field, we bumped into Violet, "hey Violet" "hey guys" "so what are we doing for PE" "apparently we're doing Cricket and rounders" "what's that" " we're playing rounders with a cricket bat and stomp" "oh yeah I remember playing this once" we went up to the field and the boys looked ready to beat us but me, Delilah and Violet looked ready to kick some ass, I was the first one to hit the bat and I hit the ball a bit far, I ran as fast as I could and under 15 seconds I made it forth and back, the girls won the game, everyone stared at me, Delilah and Violet, one girl came up to us,"wow your amazing, we've never won a game before" I saw the boy that I had to sit next to in computer science yesterday, he just stared at me, until he was cut of by some guy, after our victory, I had FoodTech, I went into the classroom,"hi you must be Victoria, im Mrs Webb, so class today we are making cupcakes, dont worry today is just a demo, I will give you a list of what you will need and you'll be making them tomorrow" after. FoodTech had finished I got the list and started walking home wwith Delilah, when we git home Delilah asked me a question,"Victoria have you ever been to someone's house before" "yeah why" "nothing, just curious" "oh my god, you've been invited over to someone's house" "what do you do" "anything, but listen to your friend before you might break something, when are you going" "tomorrow" "tomorrow is Wednesday" "is that okay with you, being by yourself tomorrow" "yeah, of course im used to it, remember" "do you think that will happen again" "I hope not!" "okay" we got to the house I went inside, grabbed my purse and went back outside, "where are you going" "I have to go to the shops and get thwas ingredients" "can I go with, I've been meaning to go to the libary" "okay, I need to get some books for me to read" we went to the shops got everything on my list, went home and then went baco into town to go to the libary, luckily we were on our bikes so we would'nt get tired,"finally we're here" "yep" we went inside the libary, Delilah went over to the girl section and I went over to the creature/animals section, I was trying to find a book about wolves, some books fell behind which scared me,"gasped" I gasped and sigjed in relief, a boy came round the corner it was the boy I sat next to in computer science and FoodTech, he stared at me for a moment and started speaking to me,"im so sorry, I pulled a book and they all started falling" "no it's fine" he came over to me and we both kneeled down to try and pick the books up, then we accidentally banned our heads together,"ow" he started laughing,"im Kol" "im Victoria" for some reasons I heard that name once before, I can't remember what happened when I was kidnapped that day it was years ago," that was amazing in PE" "thanks" we placed the books back on the shelves,"your in some of my lessons" "yeah, yeah I am" "so, what are you doing here" "im here with my sister" "im sorry for interrupting you, what book are you looking" " a book about, wolves" "wolves huh, normally girls are interested in girly stuff" "well im not like those girls, im diffrent" "diffrent in what way" "it doesn't really matter" "we all have secrets" he handed me a book about wolves, it was called White Wolf," thanks" "your welcome" "Victoria!" I heard Delilah shouting, not to loud though, "I have to go, bye Kol" "goodbye" I went to Delilah,"hi, what's up" "you ready to leave" "first I need to buy this book" I payed for the book and went home with Delilah, after we had tea there was a knock on the door, I answered the door, behind it was Nick Michaels,"hello Victoria" he smiled at me, "Nick" "is your mother home" "no" "where is she" "why do you want know" "just concerned love" "what did you just called me" "anyway I have to go, goodbye Victoria" "wait" he walked to his car and drove, I closed the door, being on the outside and I changed into my wolf form, I went to the forest and I tried to find the wolf, after a couple of minutes it was those 3 wolves that found me again, they were ready for another fight, whilst I was fighting the 2 brown wolves the black wolf bit my leg, I whined in pain and tried to back away from them, I waited for my brown wolf to come, but 5 minutes later he was know where to be seen, and I blacked out from blood loss, a few hours later I woke up on a bed, luckily I was still in my wolf form when I had blcaked out, I tried to stand up but I fell back on the bed, I whined in pain and I started feeling tears running down my face, I dont know why I was crying, probably because it reminded me of when I had been kidnapped before, a man came into the room and placed a bowl on a counter, he then tried to grab my injured leg and I pulled it away and growled at him, he then left the room and this time a diffrent person came in and tried to grab my leg and so I growled at him and then he left the room, suddenly I was suprised by the next person who came in, it was Kol,"what, what is he doing here" I thought to myself, he then gave me the bowl of water and placed on the bed, I then started drinking the water, as I was drinking the water, Kol started fixing my wound and so I just ignored it because I liked the way he touching my leg, his hands were so soft, he then said something,"I swear I've seen you before" "wait what" I thought to myself," are you that wolf that I met years ago" "wait what" I said to myself, I suddenly had a flashback, I remembered being kidnapped and then Delilah was, and then I met, Winter, Isabella,Jamie and Joe, and I now remember him his hand healing by its self and I hated him so much, and then it stops there I cant remember the rest, even though he was seriously hot, I now hated him, I started growling at him and jumped of the bed onto the floor, hurting my leg really badly but I didn't care, "oh my god, Victoria" he now remembers, I suddenly stopped growling but I was still furious,"gotcha" dammit I gave it a way,"you can turn into your human form" I turned into my human form,"hi" "stay away from me" he started coming closer to me, I was now in a corner, I was cornered,"im not gonna hurt you" "you kidnapped me, twice" "actually once, my brother kidnapped you" "who's your brother" "come in, I believe you've already met him, again" some guy came through the door, it was him,"you!" "hello Victoria" "Victoria, my brother Nik spelt as N-I-K" Nik started coming over to me and suddenly my back hit the wall, "first you keep me prisoner and now you kidnapped me" " I won't hurt you Victoria, and it was not my intention of hurting you as well" "well my leg is now healed up" "how" "it's none of your business, look I dont know how I escaped but-" "you got help" "what" "I helped you escape with Kol and our other brother" I suddenly had another flashback, I now remember that Nik helped me and Delilah escape and his brother's stopped us and then they helped us, and when we got outside ,blank, can't remember, "oh my god" I sat on the bed,"what happened next" "me and Elijah went back inside and you and Kol were talking about something" I grabbed my necklace, the one I got from the forest mischievously,"is that" Kol was staring at my necklace, I had another flashback, I remembered him talking to me AMD then he gave the crystal to me and then he kissed me, "oh my god, Kol" " oh, Victoria" "I remember everything, I remember what you are" "so what are we" "your, hybrids" "and what are hybrids" "half werewolves, half vampires" "ta dah you got it right" I laughed at Kol's joke, I saw what tone it was, it was 7 o clock in the morning, "um can I go home now, my mother and sister will be wondering where I am" "I'll drive" Nik said,"I'll see you at school" Kol said, "okay" I went downstairs and into Nik's car, he drove me back home,as he was driving he spoke to me,"im still sorry for kidnapping and biting you, am I forgiven", he gave a smile at me,"I guess so" we reached my house and mother was outside, she looked so furious, I got out of the car and she came towards me,"where have you been" "um, I-" "it's my fault, Victoria was staying at mine with my sister" "oh, okay, next please tell me, um Nick could you dive my daughter's to school, im doing work early" "of course" mother left,"I'll be right back" "I'll wait" I took a shower got some new clothes on, got my stuff and went outside with Delilah,we got in the car and drove to school, I told Delilah everything and she understood and promised not to tell mother, we now arrived at school,Delilah quickly left the car and went inside the school,"thanks Nik" "you do know that's part of my name" "I know, everyone calls you Klaus, but im now used to Nik" "see you later" "wait, who were the other 2 brown wolves" "one was Elijah and the other was a friend of my sister" "okay, well bye" "bye Victoria" the whole day was fine until Violet told me something at lunch,"is it true" "what's true" that your back together with my brother" "wait Kol is brother" "sort of" "they took me in, as a wolf" "wow, wait does this mean that your other brothers are Nik and Elijah" "yep, I know crazy" a group of popular kids came over to us,"what are you two freaks talking about" "I heard they were talking about Kol" "well for your information he's mine so hands of" "actually Victoria and Kol are going out together" "Violet" "excuse me" "im going out with Kol" "lets see about that" she then grabbed my necklace, the one that Kol gave to me,"hey give that back" "wow it's so beautiful, who gave you it" "Kol did" she kept getting angrier every second,"maybe I should keep it" quickly the necklace was snatched out of her hand, Kol took it from her and then he put it back over my head,"hi" he said,"hi" answered back, he then kissed me and I kissed back, the popular group left and me, Kol and Violet headed outside the canteen and to their secret hide out within the school, we were now there, it was llike a party but in the basement where no one would here us from up top,"Victoria, thankyou for taking care of our little sister" "your welcome" "you see she doesn't have a lot of friends, but you and your sister Delilah, are making her really happy" "what do you mean when you said our sister" "oh, I like you to meet some friends of mine" we then enter a room full of people,"Victoria, these are, Jamie,Joe,Isabella and Winter" "Victoria" one of them said to which he sounded like Winter,"Winter" "oh my god, Victoria" "what are you guys doing here" "when you guys moved we moved here" Victoria" "Isabella" "long time know seen" we then hugged, and then everyone started hugging, Kol was a little bit confused,"im sorry am I missing something here" "um Kol these are my friends from back home" "oh okay" we then talked and laughed for a while until the end of school, Kol and the others started walking me home,"hey Victoria she go for a run in the forest in our wolf forms" "okay" we all then changed into our wolf forms and ran into the forest, we followed Isabella and Joe, they led us to a waterfall with a big pool it was beautiful,"wow" "I know it's amazing" "amazing it's beautiful" I said I changed into my human form and I touched the water, "why is it cold" "because it's water, it's drinkable fresh water" "really" "yeah try some" I tried some of the waterfall and it was to die for,"wow it's amazing" I sat next to the pool and Violet sat next to me,"hey Victoria" "hi Violet, wow your fur is amazing" "thanks" her fur was the colour purple/violet, it matched with her emerald eyes, including the reason why she's called Violet is because of her hair, apparently Violet was born with violet hair, and she doesn't know who her family is, Winter,Isabella,Jamie,Joe and Violet jumped in the pool and were splashing the water at eachother, Kol then sat next to me, "how are you" "im fine" "good" we then leaned forward to try and kiss but we stopped because someone splashed water on us,"will you two love birds stop kissing and jump in the water" we stood up and jumped in the water, then we splashed water on everyone, me and Violet got out of the water and when we were drying our hair, we talked about stuff,"so who do like or who you going out with" "im going out with Winter" "wow, so what else did I miss" "Isabella is going out with Joe, and Jamie is going out with Delilah" "wait my sister" "yep still" "still" "I caught both of them kissing, she looked happy" "okay" we all heard howls coming from a distance near us,"what's that" "Strays" "I hate Strays" "quickly we must go" we then turned into our wolf forms and ran to I think is Kol's house, we kept running, I heard the howls coming closer, from out of nowhere these wolves appeared in front of us and then they were coming from everywhere, we were now surrounded, they were barking and growling at us until a big brown wolf came face to face with Kol,"Jamie do you know what they're saying" "wait I'll give you the spell, here" "thanks" I coUlf now here what they were saying,"well, isn't it nice to be running into you and your pathetic wolf friends" "dont call them that" "isn't that your sister, what's her name, ah yes Violet, you dont mind if I kill her, do you," he then started walking to Violet, some of his wolf friend's stopped Kol from getting to her, when he was about to kill her I ran in to save Violet, and I started growling at him, protecting Violet,"well aren't you a new face" "no Victoria get out of there" Kol said to me,"what-" suddenly I got bitten and scratched at the same time and I whined in pain and then he kicked me so hard I fell to the ground,"Victoria" Violet tried to come and help me but she was blocked by wolves, the others couldn't help me either because they to were blocked by wolves, I layed their bleeding on the ground, he told me,"change to human" "Victoria dont" Kol said, but I was too weak so I changed into my human form, he then smiled,"see that wasn't hard" Kol managed to break free and tried to defend me, but he was to strong for him, Kol fell to the ground and then he was about to finish him, I was thinking what should I do but someone responded,"use your powers" it was Kol, I then used my powers on him and then he started whining, I was using my powers which would be able to kill him bit first he would have pain in his head which I used when I was captured the first time,"what's happening to me" he put his paws over his ears,Kol then came over to me,"Victoria you can stop now" he then looked at me, then he ordered some of the wolves to stop but Kol defended me, then everything started getting blurry so I stopped and everything was blurry, I lost to much blood,"Kol" I whispered, he then stopped fighting, turned into human form and came to me, "Victoria" he brushed my hair behind my ear,"what can I do" I grabbed his arm and pointed at his veins,he then lifted me up a bit and put then he bit his arm and allowed me to drink his blood, it was distgusting but then it tasted good, dont worry im not a vampire, I then stopped drinking and I could feel myself healing, Kol got punched in the face and he was knocked out and then the same thing happened to me, I was now knocked out.

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