chapter 6

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I woke up in agony I quickly looked at my leg and it was all bandaged up I sighed in relief then I reached for my necklace but it was gone, but then I heard something in the corner it was a man holding something, "my necklace" I thought to myself, I tried to back away but I couldn't I was so scared that he was in here holding my necklace, "I hope he doer see the writing, but he probably has" I thought to myself then he started coming towards me, then he spoke "nice necklace, is this yours" I nodded as for a answer "what's this, why is there writing" "oh no he's spotted the writing uh oh" I thought to myself, he then sits on a chair and says, "why does it say princess, princess Victoria" oh my god, now knows my name and that im a princess, " why is it shaped like a wolf" seriously more questions isn't that enough for one day,I then put my hand out to ask if I could have it back he then places my necklace in my hand and I put it over my neck, he then leaves the room leaving me all by myself, I then face the wall, starting to cry in the corner, yes crying everyone will cry if they got kidnapped, a few hours later someone comes in the room I think it was the same man as before but I continued to stare at the wall, "who are you" he said even though he knows my name he probably wants to know my full name, age and where im from but I continued to stare at the wall, "if you tell me we'll let you go now who are you" "name, age, birthday, where your from, anything" I still continued to stare at the wall even he tried to convince me to say something or even look at him, I imagined the people at home to be happy but some of them curious, I imagined Winter and Isabella running to there parents crying in happiness, Jamie and Joe also running to there parents, all of them saying I mist you, where have you been, I love you so much, Delilah, Delilah going to mother saying hello, im sorry, but Victoria will be back soon I promise, but I just have this feeling she did something, im actually hoping she ran back after me, I hope she did, I was cut of by hearing a loud bark that sounded so familiar, oh my god, I was right Delilah did come back after me l, I knew it, the door opened and suddenly Delilah came bursting through and right towards me I started hugging her "Victoria" "Delilah, how did I know you did something" "it's part of being a wolf and part of a family" "I missed you so much" we both used mind chat so they wouldn't here us, I tthink the men left us to have our moment, I put my forehead against Delilah's "im sorry" she said "it's okay, im glad your here" we then went to sleep because we were so happy and tired at the same, the next morning I woke up by Delilah, "we have to get out of here" "I know l, but there is no way out of here" "well we have find one, or mother will come looking for us" "good point" I faced the wall so then Delilah wouldn't see me cry, I heard someone come in I didn't bother to look, he then came closer to me, Delilah started growling, I could tell he wasn't alone, he then said to me a question that I would never ever answer to anyone, "what are you", "are you sure this is a good idea" they said I didn't answer his question then he got angrier, "I asked you a question, now tell me" I still ignored him still facing the wall, he then grabbed my chin very gently whilst neeling down I then spoke to him, "get you fingers of my face, before I rip them of for you" I whispered to him, he looked very shocked and so did the other men standing in the back, and the person in front of me slapped me across the face, Delilah started growling at him, then I looked at him and I used my magic powers on him he would have nose bleeds and headaches and eventually he would die, he put his fingers under his nose and he saw blood, "what the-" then he was screaming for his life, "what's happening to me!" he started shouting and a few people came up to him and tried to help him, one of the men came up towards me and said "stop this now" "no" "your going to kill him" "I dont care if I kill him" "please, Victoria stop" I then looked at him when he mentioned my name and then I stopped and I calmed myself down and took a few deep breaths, the person I tried to kill drew his sword out, weird, and tried to drive it through me but the man that convinced me not to kill him stopped him from stabbing me, "Victoria" "Delilah" "what's going on Victoria, why did you stop" "I, I dont know" "you broke one of mothers rules, you were suppose to finish him" "I know" the people in front of us was staring at the man in front of me "what are you doing" "stopping you from killing her" "she tried to kill me, I wasn't going to kill her I was gonna give her pain" "she's had enough pain for one day" he then looks at me then looks at him "fine, but tomorrow" "yes, you'll give pain to her tomorrow" they all leave the room without looking back, me and Delilah then hug "are you okay Victoria" "yeah, yeah im okay, just exhausted" "let's get some sleep and tomorrow we'll figure it out"
The next morning I woke up before Delilah did and I decided to walk around the room trying to find a way out, but there was no luck only a window that was locked and had so many bars on it and it would be impossible to squeeze through, I then looked through the window all I saw was trees which reminded me of when I use to climb up them and Delilah always had to fly up there, I suddenly heard a noise it was me, I was hungry and thirsty I hadn't eaten in like a day or so as I kept looking through the window, the man that saved my life came in and I quickly ran to Delilah without him seeing me, he was holding a tray full of food he placed it on the ground and walked over to the corner, I looked at the food it looked delicious but you can never know what's really inside of them, he sat on a chair still staring at me and finally saying something, "dont worry we didn't put anything inside them" I nodded in a weird way very confused, "so, what are you" I sighed with all the questions they were asking me which was the same one over and over again, "enough with all these questions, let me tell you this" "okay go on, im listening" "what are you" "excuse me" "I saw your wrist healing back in the forest" "I have no idea on what your talking" "dont play dum with me, I saw what happened so you better tell me this instant" he stood up and sighed "after you've finished eating something will happen" "what will happen and dont change the subject" he opened the door and looked at me,"you'll find out" and he closed the door "what are you talking about Victoria" "I dont know but I'll find out soon, on the tray there was a bag of chips and next to it some sausages for Delilah and me to share at, "im not eating those sausages" "yes you are Delilah" "but they won't even taste like home" I sighed, I pit my hand over the sausages and used some of my powers to make them taste like the ones we eat at home, dont worry we dont eat pigs at the Moors, "thanks Victoria" "your welcome Delilah" as we both finished our sausages that Delilah had, and I ate the chips we both just that there for a while, Delilah stood up and was sniffing around, "Delilah what is it" "I dont know something smells fishy, not the fish" "right" I stood up on my feet starting to walk around trying to figure out where the smell was coming from, suddenly Delilah fainted and fell to the ground, "Delilah!" as I was coming closer to her I felt really dizzy and I to fell to the ground, banging my head against the floor really hard and I closed my eyes, a few seconds after fainting to the ground my eye sight was all fuzzy, sorry I forget what the real word was anyway, I saw someone in front of me holding Delilah, and someone who was carrying me and then my eyes started to fade away and suddenly went back to sleep, im sorry that I dont know the real words anyway back to the story, I woke up tied to a.chair the rope felt really tight on my wrists, I saw Delilah next to me she was chained up with a rope tied around her neck, I still felt dizzy after that gas attack I suddenly snapped out of the trance, that's what im gonna call it, by a slap on the face, it was the man I tried to kill, "hello there" he said smiling at me, I didn't respond to him then he stepped back from the chair, "do you know why you are here" I still didn't respond back to him, then he started come a bit closer to me, "I f you dont answer our questions then there will be consequences" I still ignored him, he then went behind me and pulled a knife out and put it against my neck he tried to threaten me with his knife and despicable works, "you see, if you dont speak you'll never leave" "do you think you can threaten me with your cruel words and your pathetic little knife" it sounded like he was glad but then came anger, "tell me what you are or!" "or what" "or ill kill you" "if you kill me then you will never know" "fine then I'll kill your pet wolf" "she is not my pet" "then what is she then" I stayed silent for a second, he started untangling the ropes with his knife and headed towards the door, as I ran to Delilah I heard something being thrown at me so as I turned around I saw him throwing the knife at me, I quickly managed to dodge it and picked up the knife and I tried to stab but he grabbed the knife out of my hand and stabbed my arm, I fell on my knees trying not cry but struggling not to scream out the pain, "are you going to tell me now" I grabbed the knife out of my arm and stabbed his foot,"gha" he said out loud in pain he then grabbed the knife out of his foot and was about to finish me but before he could finish me of the man that saved my life came in the room and stopped the man from killing me, "she's not worth it" he whispered then he calmed down and left the room, he saved my life again but why is he doing this,"come on love" he said while I still had my other hand underneath my arm so I could try stop bleeding everywhere, we then walked down the hallway and into a room I sat down on a chair not knowing what he was doing over in the corner doing god knows what, I still tried not to cry because I thought it might make me look weak he then came over to me with a glass of red stuff which looked like blood,"drink this, it'll stop the bleeding" "what is it and how will it stop the bleeding" "just drink, it might taste a bit weird", I looked disgusted by the look of the red stuff and I slowly drank it, it tasted really bad when I finished the drinking the red stuff I looked at my arm and saw it starting to heal and poosh it was all healed up, "what the-, how is this even possible" he then grabbed me by the arm, "come on" we then started walking in the hall, "what are you" "I dont know what you talking about sweetheart" I then looked at his hand and saw a red line on it, "oh my god, you gave me your blood" we then stopped walking and started talking, "look, you wouldn't understand" "understand, first you save my life twice and then you give me your blood" "how are you for certain that it was blood" "your hand" he then looks at his hand and he sas that he had a red mark on it, "you cut your hand open" "you would understand" "yes, I would" he then stared at me for a while, "please, tell me" "you'll find out soon now come on" he grabbed my arm again and put me back into the room with Delilah he then locked the door behind me and I ran to Delilah and unlocked all the chains of her "Victoria are you okay" "yeah, yeah im okay" "what did they do to you" "nothing, nothing" then I started crying and hugging into Delilah's fur, "I just wanna go home" as using my mind chat I accidentally said something out loud for everyone to hear but I didn't say that loud though, "I just wanna go home!" I whispered into Delilah's ear.
A few hours later it was the middle of the night all the lights were off, I felt someone tapping me on the shoulders, "Victoria, Victoria wake up" someone whispered in my ear "what" "ever you get up or stay here" I then stood up and woke Delilah up and we walked down the hallway, "look where are we going" "you want to go back home dont you" "wait, you heard me say that" "lets keep moving" "wait how do I know that your not lying" "im getting you out of here aren't I" "true but I still dont trust you" "you dont trust me" "no, I've never trusted anyone" "no one including your own kind" "which do you mean by that" "humans" "no, not even humans" "okay if you say so" we finally reached the for that led to outside until we were stopped by two men, "Niklaus what are you doing" "hello Kol,Elijah" " what are you doing Klaus" "well Kol im setting her free and the wolf" "why" "she says she wants to go home" "so why do you care" "because she knows" "knows what" "what we are" they both looked shocked and suprised and just stared at me, one of them known as Kol came up to me and said, "you know what we are" " I wasn't sure at first, but now im certain" "okay we'll help but let's go now before he sees us" Klaus opened the door and I went outside smelling the fresh air which smelt amazing, "okay you guys can go back now, this is far enough" "wait what" "I can get home from here, thanks for everything" "wait can I talk to you for a second" Kol said to me, "goodbye Victoria" "goodbye" Klaus and Elijah said and went back inside me and Kol started walking into the woods a few inches away from their base "so what am I then" "your a-" I whispered him the word I wanted to say from the very beginning "well done, Victoria right" "yeah" "that's a lovely name" "thanks, anyway we have to go" "hold on, I want to give you something, it's a crystal of a real wolf's tooth" "wow, it's so, beautiful" it was the colour purple and was medium size, which was the same length and strap as my necklace that my mother gave to me, he then put over my head and I smiled ans giggled a bit "thanks" "one more" as I turned around he put his arm around my hip and pushed me into his body and he kissed me, I was suprised and I liked it for some reason, "woah" "what" "your a great kisser" "I am" "anyway you better go home before they find" "thanks, for the necklace and the kiss" "your welcome" he ran back to the base and I ran back home with Delilah, as we were running in the forest,"wow Victoria" "Delilah please what ever you do dont tell anyone including mother, Delilah!" "okay, okay, I promise I won't tell anyone including mother, and I cross my heart, not a peep from me" "thanks Delilah" we finally made it, we made it back home, the sun was shining and it was exactly as we left it, we ran down the hill and saw Winter, Isabella, Jamie and Joe playing together, then they stopped and looked at us in happiness, I managed to hear them say our names, "Victoria, and Delilah!" they ran towards us and we ran to them, "omg,Victoria your here you made it out!" Isabella shouted "yes im out and im so glad you guys all made it back home safe" "we mist you so much and we're all happy and thankful for saving us" Jamie said smiling at me "your welcome, anyway are you guys reunited with your families" "yes we are and we told them that you saved us and I heard you mother is looking for both of you" "uh oh, this isn't gonna be good, thank you anyway we better go find our mother" "okay see you later" me and Delilah ran back to our house, it's not really a house I just called it that, we saw our mother looking worried and talking to the people of the Moors, she turned her head and saw us "Victoria, Delilah" "mother" we ran up towards our mother and she ran up to us and we hugged each other, "where have you been, I've been worried sick, I heard you got kidnapped and saved the wolves" "yes but we're here now" "both of you are grounded for two weeks because that's how long you two have been gone for" "okay we won't leave the Moors until then" "okay now go play with your new friends" me and Delilah played with the others until the bright shining stars and blue sky came out, I sat under the tree above our cave home and looked at the necklace Kol gave me, I smiled and thought of him putting it over my head then kissing me, it felt wonderful, I looked out into the forest and it felt like he was watching me from a distance, I snapped out of my trance of my mother shouting at me, "Victoria food is ready" "okay" I climbed down back into my cave home and sat on the opposite side of Delilah and my mother, we were having my mother's favorite, spaghetti and meatballs, after we finished we went to bed for a good night sleep, but I was still awake because I couldn't stop thinking about Kol, I looked at the necklace, I couldn't stop looking at it, it was so beautiful and I felt myself drifting away and I suddenly fell asleep.


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