☆ 12 ☆

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Silence. He didn't know silence could be this calm yet terrifying.

Legs stuck together, His hands resting on each leg politely, Eyes wandering here and there then finally fixed to his side of the window, The younger regrets his actions from 10 minutes ago.

Seungmin seemed to have stopped crying but he is still embarrassed on why he hugged Minho and why he said such words to him, It also seemed like Seungmin's fear of Minho is slowly fading away.

They're in his car, driving to an unknown location just because Seungmin couldn't accept his crush kissing his beloved junior.

Minho hasn't said a word ever since they sat in the car, He doesn't want to make the younger uncomfortable by bringing up Chan or about the hug earlier but he sees Seungmin sitting in an awkward position, so he silently turns on the car's music player.

"You can change the song if you want to" Minho then eyes on the road and continues driving.

"So-" Seungmin brings up his guts to starts a conversation with the elder "From when did Chan Sunbae and Jeongin start dating?"

"Do you still have to talk about Chan at this moment?" Minho seemed to have known about Seungmin's crush on Chan. Seungmin nodded.

"They've known each other for 15 years now since they're both neighbors. They started their relationship as kids like brothers, then to friends and now they've been dating for 3 years now" Minho looked at Seungmin to see his reaction "But of course you wouldn't know that because they decided to keep their relationship private"

Seungmin at first seemed fine hearing that information but unknowingly a drop of tear forced it's way out and he eventually started crying again. Minho hears Seungmin's sobs, at first he turns away as he couldn't bare seeing the younger cry but as he started crying louder and louder, the elder removes his hand from the gear and places it on Seungmin's hand to comfort him.

"Don't worry, I'll make you forget about Chan"

Seungmin's heart skipped a beat at the sudden touch and words but he removed his hand from the elder. Minho took his hand, placed it back on the gear and focused on driving.

"It's ok, I'll take care of my unrequited love for him on my own" Seungmin plays it cool and accepts the reality as he wipes off his tears. "It's not like he's cheating on me or something. It's my fault for developing a crush on him without knowing that he already has a boyfriend"

"It's not your fault, plus you're not the only one with unrequited love though" Minho says in a matter of fact tone, pointing to himself as he looks back at Seungmin.

Seungmin had nothing to say but for sure the conversation they just had made him feel a lot better.


They arrive to an unfamiliar place few minutes away from the campus. Nothing but tall trees surrounded the area and in front of them was a giant iron gate.

The gate opened automatically and Minho drove ahead. The guard bowed and greeted Minho and Minho greeted back. The gaurd then can be heard saying,

"Young Master Minho has arrived" into his walkie-talkie.

Seungmin realised that Minho was taking him to his mansion. The Whole area was fucking HUGE, mostly with vacant land that was filled with grass and trees, There were seperate but small houses here and there, which Seungmin assumed to be Minho's staffs's accommodation.

Minho drove a little further and parked his car infront of a beautiful modern house. It was quite afar and stood out from rest of the other small houses that they saw earlier. It wasn't a mansion that Seungmin expected it to be but the whole land covering or the boundary of the area was huge.

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