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A/N - We've reached 20k+ reads before the end of the book UwU


The next day Minho himself drops Seungmin to the university even though there was an extra space in the twin's car.

Since it was his birthday today, Seungmin asked if he was free in the evening maybe just to watch a movie together but the elder's schedule was pretty package today too from morning till night.

So to compensate that, Minho decided to spend the time with the younger while dropping him to the university.

"Drive back safely" Seungmin said as he unbuckled his seatbelt. "And once again Happy birthday hyung"

Seungmin asked Hyunjin to bring his bag and belongings to the class so he didn't need to stop by his dorm too.

"Thank you" Minho smiled and pulled the younger's wrist and kissed his hand before letting him go. But as Seungmin was getting down from the car, Minho noticed Changbin standing there looking at them for god knows how long.

"Wait" Minho shouts and gets off from the car. "I'll walk you till your class"

"Isn't it getting late for you hyung, It's gonna take you more than 30 minutes to drive back"

"Just wanted to spend few more minutes with you" Minho nervously said as he eyed on Changbin from the side without making it obvious to Seungmin.


( A/N - I'd suggest not to skip Changbin's part as it tells you how and why he started hating on Minho )

Changbin parked his car and was on the way to his class. He stopped when he saw a familiar car in the parking lot. He thought Minho was back but seeing the elder in fancy suit, he understood that the elder had just come to drop Seungmin off.

He also only then remembered it was the elder's birthday today when he heard the younger wishing him.

He reminisced how they spent the elder's birthday 3 years ago, when they were together as friends. He didn't know where it went wrong or who's fault was it but times slowly changed.

When things were falling apart, His only best friend was Chan. He wanted Chan to be his friend only but one day he unintentionally eavesdropped Chan saying "I care about you more than anyone else Minho"

Changbin was hurt way back when he and Minho even became rivals, He was envious of Minho thinking that he'd take his now one and only best friend away from him.

He also noticed that Chan was spending more time with Minho and looked after him more than Jeongin. It was only right for Chan to stay beside Minho cause he was having a hard time to cope up after his mother's death.

But Changbin felt left out.

So when Minho started bullying people to overcome his mother's death, Changbin started to bully THE bully to overcome his loneliness or rather just to get Minho's attention.

Next Changbin slowly started to hate on Minho when things always went in the favor of the elder. First of all he hated his guts and whenever Minho messed up, his father had his back.

Third, Seungmin.

Changbin's first love. He finally found someone who he truly loved. He knew about Seungmin's anxiety and wanted to take things slow first by building a trust towards the younger but he never expected that his love to fall for the person who caused his anxiety.

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