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[ Flashback Continues ]

Soon enough there were a lot of students surrounding Minho and Seungmin. The chaos in the night club caught the attention of Hyunjin and the twins. They were also starting to get worried about Seungmin who still haven't returned from the resttoom.

Hyunjin called for Seungmin but since he didn't pick up, Hyunjin got really worried so he went in search for the younger. On the way to the restroom, Hyunjin witnessed a group of students filming and gossiping something. He went near to examine it, but he froze there on what he saw.

His best friend with ripped shirt getting molested by a random stranger and the people from his university department filming the scene. He sees the stranger forcing and being abusive on Seungmin, Hyunjin waits no second as he pushes through the crowd to get to the Younger.

"Get away from him" Hyunjin shouts as he pushes the stranger away from Seungmin and punches his face. He quickly removes his jacket and covers it on Seungmin.

"What the..." Minho tries to get back but Hyunjin was much faster. Hyunjin punches the stranger harder this time causing him to bleed slightly from the corner of his lips. The crowd gasped louder.

"What the fuck did you do to my best friend?" Hyunjin was so angry, he was ready to punch Minho again for what he did to his best friend. Minho was offended that somebody had the guts to interfere in his business and had the nerve for someone to touch him. Both were ready to fight each other off but at the right time Chan came and stopped them.

"Hey hey, What's going on here? Minho?" Chan came along with some bouncers seeing the chaos and the tension there. This made both of them to stop their action. Hyunjin turned to Seungmin immediately and Chan grabs Minho and takes him away.

"Seungmin-ah are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" He sees Seungmin's teary eyes, so he lifts his jacket to quickly examine the younger body.

"Hyun- Hyunjin ah" Seungmin bursts into tears and hugs Hyunjin. Hyunjin is triggered seeing Seungmin's torn shirt exposing his chest and bruises but he tries to console the younger first.

In the meantime the bouncers asked rest of the people to leave the area and the pathway was cleared shortly. It was just Hyunjin and Seungmin there.

"I'm sorry for what happened earlier" Chan comes after awhile to Seungmin and Hyunjin. Seungmin pulls away from the hug. "My friend had a lot of drink tonight and he wasn't in his right mind when he did it"

"Being drunk is not an excuse for what your friend did to my friend" Hyunjin looks at Chan "And do you think an apology would solve everything?"

"I know, this shouldn't be an excuse..I'm sorry again on behalf of my friend" Chan then pulls out a card from his pocket "We would like to compensate you in any way possible, please contact me later so that we can sort things out" He hands his family business card to Seungmin.

Hyunjin rejects the offer.

"I'm talking to you in a nicer way just because you are humble, but what your friend did was unacceptable. I'm going to report it to the police"

"It's not easy going against the LEE group, you will only end up suffering more" Chan sighs and explain things to Hyunjin

"Lee group?"


The footage of Minho and Seungmin making out at the club spread among the university like wild fire. It was shared across all social media platforms and became viral soon because it was about Minho.

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