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The next day...

He never wanted to go back... But times have changed where he has no option but to go back again.

Minho in his black suit, stands in front of the huge mansion. As the eldest son in the LEE family, he was forced to attend his father's funeral even if he was uninterested.

Lee Know learns from Taek that his father passed away From pancreatic cancer. When he first heard the news from Taek, It was definitely a shock for him but he didn't have much feelings or didn't cry as he had no precious memories of him with his father.

Everyone that recognized Minho there greeted and mourned to him, He still had an unreadable face. But when he stepped in the back lawn where the funeral service was taking place, His heart sank seeing his step mother crying her heart out in front of the casket and his baby step brother just standing and holding his mom's gown, unaware with the situation around him.

As Minho stepped forward with a heavy heart and went near his father's casket, His step mother noticed him.

"Minho" She ran to hug her step son while sobbing hard. "I didn't know your father had cancer"

"I'm sorry..." Was all Minho could say after hugging her back. "Mom"


After hours of standing in front of the casket, greeting 100s of corporate people and politicians. The funeral service was nearly done.

Chan and his father attended the funeral also surprisingly the SEO family that is, Changbin along with his father and grandfather attended the funeral and paid their respect to Mr LEE as well.

Hours passed and Yejin became weak after standing for too long without having water and food that she almost fainted on spot. Minho forced her to rest while he completed rest of the funeral service alone.

He saw his late father's face one last time before he was buried on the mansion ground. Minho kept it professional throughout the funeral without showing any expression on his face.

After a long day, and after outsiders left the mansion, Minho just got time to sit down. Yejin had put Minhee to sleep and she sits in front of Minho in their living room while looking pale and lifeless.

"Young master" Mr Yoon, His father's secretary handed Minho some paperworks.

"We want you to go through it and sign it" Minho's lawyer continued.

Minho was confused but took the paperworks and read it carefully. The document was about going back to father and son legally again. Minho set down the papers as soon as he read that.

"Your father already sighed it long ago, now you have to" Mr Yoon said. More like orders Minho to sign it.

"I came back here because of my mother" Minho looked towards his step mother. "I don't want to associate anything with my father ever again" He sternly said.

"Young master!" Mr Yoon was cut off.

"If you have nothing else to say then I'll be leaving to my house" Minho got up and took his outer coat in hand.

"This is your house Minho" Yejin stops Minho and looks at him with pleading eyes. She just lost her husband, she didn't want her son to go away too.

"I'll visit you and Minhee from time to time" Was all Minho said and turned back to leave.

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