☆ 22 ☆

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The next day Seungmin arrives late to his class. This will be the first time that Seungmin goes to his class without Hyunjin.

The professor excused seungmin, and he entered the class with everyone's eyes on him. His puffy, red toned eyes and swollen face caught everyone's attention.

The reason? Sleepless night and endless crying over yesterday's incident. The younger stayed up all night getting anxious and worried that Hyunjin hasn't returned to the dorm still. His 50+ calls to the taller weren't answered and the ton of text that he sent was left unanswered.

And there Hyunjin was, Already sitting inside the class next to Han. When everyone's eyes was on Seungmin, Hyunjin didn't even bother to look at the younger, as he fixed his eyes on the smart board in the front. Seungmin just holds in his tears and sits in the empty seat next to Felix, which was two rows behind Hyunjin's.

"Omg Seungmin, what happened?" Felix whispered to Seungmin as the professor started taking lectures. Seungmin didn't answer to his question.

"And is something wrong with Hyunjin as well? He was sitting alone in the class when we entered and when I asked him about you he didn't give a reply. Plus his eyes were puffy too" Seungmin didn't give a reply to this too but Felix got more curious about both their behavior so he carefully asked "Did you and Hyunjin perhaps fight yesterday?"

Seungmin nods his head. He didn't want to hide to his friends anymore "I'll tell you the details during break after this class. And I need to tell you and Han something else too"

After an hour the class ends, and the first thing Han does is rush up to Seungmin in the back and ask if everything was alright. But Seungmin sees Hyunjin packing his back and leaving so he rushes to stop him instead.

"Hyunjin stop" Seungmin holds Hyunjin's hands.

"Get your hands off me" Hyunjin shouts which got the attention of his classmates. He then forcefully removes the younger's hands off him.

"Hyunjin, I was so worried about you yesterday. Where did you spend the night? And why didn't you answer my calls?" After hearing what Felix said in the class, Seungmin know that Hyunjin didn't spend the night at the twins house plus he was wearing the same shirt as yesterday so Seungmin was worried on where Hyunjin was yesterday.

"I have no reason to attend your calls and who are you to ask me where I was? I'm not your friend am I"

"Hyunjin please, don't say that"

"Woah, woah what's happening here and Hyunjin what are you saying? He's your best friend isn't he?" Han introgates his friend in the middle of the class.

"Well not anymore"

"Guys what's going on?" Felix joins them.

"Kim Seungmin here is a fucking liar. I trusted him with all my heart yet he betrayed me and he just said to know my place yesterday. He clearly doesn't see me as a friend so why should I?"

"Hyunjin, I said I'm sorry for lying. And I'm sorry for getting angry at you yesterday. You're still my best friend"

Hyunjin stayed quiet. Their classmates had their attention towards Seungmin and Hyunjin who were just staring at each other, Han decided to break the silence "I don't know what happened yesterday but he says he's sorry Hyunjin, can't you just forgive him?"

"And I know that you're not the type to hold grudges against Seungmin. So forgive him Hyunjin" Felix insists too, The twins couldn't bare seeing their friends fighting with each other.

"You two stay out of this" Hyunjin holds his breath to not get angry at the twins "You don't know how bad I was hurt yesterday. You don't know the feelings of getting stabbed in the back with someone whom you trusted the most in life"

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