1. Dorm Inspection

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Listening to beat drops and scribbling on his note pad was Jisung's favourite thing.

So far, he doesn't have a hobby rather than writing random verses on blank pieces of paper. It's more like a routine. Every morning, after a warm shower he sits on his chair, with his table lamp on and head phones on, Jisung would start writing.

He would write pages and pages. Mostly about heart break, betrayal and loneliness. Sometimes, they would end up in the dustbin, some would survive if they are lucky. Jisung plays a vital role in this survival show, carefully chosing the best out of them.

But unfortunatly, for his room mates it was a near headache. At first they started complaining when Jisung switch on the lamp at 4 am. By now they've accepted and gotten used to Jisung's early bird attitude. They would just role over facing the wall and fall back asleep.

Like always, in mid September Jisung was writing. He finished his morning class and headed straight towards their dorm. It was going all smoothly, the music, the concept and his words. Until, the door slammed open revealing a panting Ferret.

Jisung raised his brow as Hyunjin closed the door and leaned against it.

"Minho hyung... he's up to inspection..."

Jisung didn't needed to tell twice. He knows what's going to happen. Tossing away his head phones, he quickly started tidying his room. Hyunjin hurriedly helping him to  lean their tables and picking up the toffee wrappers under Felix's chair.

"Why did I even let him eat these things?" Hyunjin groaned picking the wrappers and putting them in the bin.

"I don't know dude, just hurry up!"

It was all a rush. Jisung picking up the messy books and arranging them in the shelves nicely, Hyunjin sweeping the floor. That's when they heard a nock.

Hyunjin gasped. "Jisung... what are we gonna do?" He glanced at the somewhat messy room.

The bed sheets are still not folded and they jackets are on their chairs. Mostly, the dust bin is already full of toffee wrappers and crumpled papers and there's no way in hell they can stuff the papers discarded  under Jisung's table.

*knock *  knock*

Jisung's grabbed Hyunjin's hand. "Hide the litter."

"Wait what?"

"I said hide them! You'll have two minutes."


Jisung opened the banging door peeping outside. "H-hey, hyung." He greets trying to sound cheerful but actually he is internally panicking.

Act cool. Act cool. Gosh why is he so intimidating...

There stood Lee Minho round and tall. His hair was newly dyed in to grey blue with his usual pointed lips and a unbuttoned shirt over a t shirt. Jisung breathed. He swear this guy only likes to wear black and white. (He was sure Chan had influenced in him.)

"Good morning Han Jisung."

Jisung gulped. His tone was cold, bit he should be used to it right? It has been a year since he got to know  Minho. Minho was a years older than him. He still remember the first day he saw Minho. It was in the welcome party for new students who got in the aesthetic department.

As soon as he saw Minho, his thoughts was short circuited. The guy looked handsom and scary at the same time. That is one of the reasons why Jisung didn't want to hang out with him. He didn't know the older much and was a chicken to go talk to him. Last year was mostly just studying and writing lyrics for him. He would see the older during lunch or some of his classes, but never really talked.

Minho is popular and Jisung didn't want to be part of it. In fact, Jisung thought it was stupid. His theory of being popular is something no one can understand. Jisung doesn't like them. It's just whenever he see Minho getting the focus point, he feels a wierd a feeling in his stomach.

The universe is not being fair if Minho is both handsome and talented.

But this year the older had him pinned. Jisung didn't know Minho being the dorm inspector is a good omence or not.

"Y-yes that's me! Good morning to you too h-hyung." He chirped.

Minho nodded. Behind him was Chan. He offered a smile at Jisung. "Hey Jisung. Is Felix there?"

Jisung internally rolled his eyes. Of course, why am I not surprised.

"Um no, he's at the basketball court and he told you not to search for him." Jisung said.

"Why not?"

"Ya ya ya, I need to check in." Minho interrupted them and pushed at the door.

Jisung quickly closed it stepping outside. Minho raised his eyebrow, while Jisung gave him a sheepish grin.

Great now I have to lie...

"W-well Felix isn't here now. Wouldn't it be nice to come when all of us are here?"

Minho started at him for three seconds. "No." He deadpanned.

"Oh well..." Jisung gulped, his mind going blank. "The weather is n-nice today."

"Han Jisung, it's literally raining."

Fuck... it is?

Jisung glanced outside to see big droplets of water pouring down from the sky. That's was when he heard a loud crash and a trail of curling from inside. Jisung's eyes widened as he looked at Minho. He had his eyes narrowed, suspicious radiating from his Expression.

"Are you cleaning your dorm right now? "

"W-what? No... that's ridiculous. We are tidy and clean as always..."

Minho didn't seem to buy that as he kept staring at the younger. "Han Jisung, are you lying to me?"

God dam... I swear he can read people faster than piano notations.


"Are you sure?" Minho tried again.


"Okay." Minho grabbed Jisung's arms and pulled him aside from the door and stepped in, while Vha stayed outside.

God no-

Jisung ran inside panicking only to see a breathless Hyunjin grinning at the hyungs while he kept his hand tied back. Jisung looked around to see everything clean. The books, their clothes and the beds. Even the dustbin is empty and placed at a corner of the dorm room.

Minho frowned, is eyes scanning his room. His eyes travelled towards the small cupboard which is threatening to open. A sudden flick of emotions flew across his face. Jisung gulped praying he would notice anything.

Then, Minho nodded turning to Hyunjin. He patted his shoulder and walked towards Jisung. His expression was cold but out of the blue he smile. A mischievous smile Jisung hasn't seen much from the older and his stomach flipped.

"Nice job you two..." He said walking outside. "Next time I would prefer you not hiding junk."

Jisung's and Hyunijn's mouths dropped hearing what Minho said.

"H-hyung we can explain-"

"You lost the privilege of going to the city centre tomorrow."

"W-what?" Jisung yelled. "That's not fair!"

Minho scowled at him which toom the younder up by surprise. "Then remember not to make this mistake again, Han Jisung."

The door closed leaving the two juniors stunned and angry. Jisung looked at Hyunjin was dropped on his mattress spilling a pair of dirty socks.

Jisung scrunched his nose. "Ew, who the heck put those."

Hyunjin sighed rubbing his nose. "Ugly ducklings with Christmas trees. Guess who."

Yeah, definitely Felix.

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