26. You Got Me Bad

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Jisung let out a shacky breath entering his dorm. He closed the door and walked towards his hanger in the dark, grabbing whatever caught in his hand and heading out to the common washroom.

It was late night, probably past 11. And no one is in there except for a crazy guy who wanted get a cold shower. At this point Jisung didn't mind getting sick.

He turned on the shower, and hummed at the satisfying feeling of the cold water running along his skin. He sighed, leaving against the shower wall and letting the water soak him fully.

Minho's words started echoing in his head.

"I hope we can not talk about this again, and move forward."

Ultimately, Jisung was used, rather than Minho was used. He didn't know what was the right way. But he should have expected it. Minho has no reason to be with him, neither is Jisung.

The good side is, he finally did. He made a song which he thought wasn't possible.

He started drifting to the time few weeks back, when he asked for Minho's aid. How he pinned him against the wall and ran his soft fingers on his waist. Him chasing after Minho thinking he did something wrong and Minho leaving him with a beating heart. Then how Jisung caught him dancing to his song. Minho had kissed him on the cheek there and had hugged him.

He had taken him to his house, when he was drunk. Promised to kiss him and did afterwards in Moonbyul's office and then in his room under the sheets. How Minho found out who he is at the party, saw every inch of him. 

But, all of them would be over now.

Jisung let the tears run along his cheek. He chocked on his sobs, already missing Minho's warmth.

He didn't want to go back to being strangers. He craved for his affection than any other. Jisung wanted him, no...he needed him.

He stepped out of the shower and quickly wiped his body and put on his short and t-shirt. He entered his room and collapsed on his bed, not even bothering to dry his hair.

That night Jisung cried himself to sleep.

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The next morning he woke up with a head ache. Jisung groaned, opening his eyes and adjusting to the faint sun light. His rolled over again, nuzzling his face in his pillow and praying his throbbing head would go away.

Only to get it worse.

Now, Jisung really regretted showering in  old water at midnight. He felt like shit and his body ached.

Jisung has very low immunity as most of the time he would avoid eating healthy and stick to ramen or junk food. He could get sick easily even walking a few minutes on the rain and when he does, it's the worst thing ever.

Normally, Felix would keep an eye of him. Now he's away for the weekend Jisung was left unsupervised.

Jisung whimpered. His body ached and he felt cold and hot at the same time. He wanted to sink back under a pile of bed sheets and be warm. More like he wanted Minho's embrace to be comfy.

And the cold weather of autumn didn't help either. Normally in October, it won't get this cold but this year, the weather seemed to change its routine.

He groaned again, knowing he has his first class 8 on the morning. And it's already 7. He didn't want to get out. He badly wanted to cut class. Yet, cuting class first thing in the Monady? Not a good idea.

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