8. You are My Silent Cry

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It was a lonely night and Jisung was once again crossing his territory.

He looked at the dance department in front of him. His mind was fuzzy. In fact, he felt more concerned. He haven't encountered with Minho for the past three days. His hyung has been seen here and there in the canteen but not once he talked with Jisung.

Jisung though he had forgotten about their deal. Or he decided to forget it purposely. Jisung had already concluded it's because of those papers. Maybe Minho did figured out. Who knows he suddenly inherited a master mind. Thqt thought only send shivers down Jisung's spine.

No, he doesn't want her hurt again. He doesn't want to feel the déjà vu.

Without even knowing his legs had taken him in the department. It's mostly dark, probably because it's pass 6.30, when the the last class conducted by Professor Seulgi for modern dance ends. And Felix hasn't still come yet.

Jisung frowned, feeling Felix is up to something. Not only today, yesterday too. He was late, more than usual. As soon as he come he would run to take a shower. Then Hyunjin would return with a burnt out look. Hyunjin would toss his bag on his desk and would rant unproved theories with Jisung until Felix come.

He sighed. And here he is acting like Felix  is hiding something when he is doing the same.

I need to be quick. Yet Minho Hyung is no help...

That's when he heard the faint clutter of shoes and a light froma opened studio.

Huh? This late? Jisung rapidly walked towards thape directing hoping he would find Felix.

May be he's practising extra these days. But why does the music sound familiar-

Jisung froze in his tracks.

His eyes stucked on Minho, dancing elegantly to a song. Not a song, his song. It's his fucking song. It was a special song for Jisung. He nearly got a heart attack when it got lost. And here it is, with Minho.

It's not merely the song that took his breath away, but the choreography. Lee Minho is dancing to a choreography of Jisung's song. Jisung watched as his body rolled for the beat. The moves are quick and sudden for a sad song like that. But who could blame. It's a cry which is silent. Jisung had done is purposely.

He gulped.

Did he figured out?

Jisung had no idea how get the piano recording but at this point it didn't matter. He would prefer watching Minho dance. It was just oddly satisfying.

But, like the universe is mocking him, Minho saw him disturbing his intentions. Minho's eyes locked with Jisung. Jisung tensed, gripping his jacket. Minho smirked at him not expecting the composer to see in the studio.

But did Minho stop?

No. He kept dancing clearly knowing Jisung's eyes are burning holes on his body. Jisung's intentions are clear. Minho didn't mind being watched. In the end, it was mean to be watched by Jisung.

After a good two minutes, the song ended. Minho stopped the recording before it repeated. Jisung saw him walk to his bag and get a wool cloth, wipe the sweat on his face and drink half of the water bottle.

He tossed the cloth to his bag and glanced at Jisung. "Enjoyed?"

Heat rose to Jisung's cheeks. "I...you..."

Minho chuckled. "Don't worry I won't snitch." He smiled at him walking closer. "It's a really good song Han."

Jisung throat suddenly felt dry and his heart fluttered. The single praise from Minho made him go crazy. It's different than when his friends or his aunt praise him for his work. He felt proud of himself.

"You mean that?"

"Yeah." They are now facing each other. Minho's hand cupped Jisung's cheek, softly caressing the skin. "I'm sorry I didn't return it sooner. I wanted to try and make a good choreo for it." He smiled softly. "I was going to show you later this week after finalizing everything but, you saw before it."

Jisung softly smiled at him.

"I don't mind watching it again."

The words just left Jisung's mouth without a warning. Once he realized what he said he got flustered. Minho let out a laugh at Jisung's flushed cheeks.

"Sure, I don't mind either."

He felt Minho's breath close to his cheek and a soft yet wet feeling planting on his skin. As soon as Jisung's brain comprehended it was non other than Minho's lips, he went in to panicked gay mode. Minho smiled stepping back and going to play the recording again.

Jisung just stared at his hyung as if someone slapped him.

Such a tease!

The song started playing again. Minho looked at Jisung. "Come here."

"Me?" Minho nodded. Jisung walked towards him with hesitation. Minho grabbed his wait pulling him closer. Jisung let out a squeak. "H-hyung!"

He leaned closer whispering his Jisung's ear. "Follow my lead."

"I can't dance!" Jisung protested.

After turning out the lights in your quiet room
you slowly wilt from how you'd been smiling so brightly

Minho guided Jisung hand forward. He felt Jiusng more tenser by the second. "Move your hip for me."

Jisung's breath itched he tried to follow Minho but he can't focused at all. Minho is too close that he can feel his breathing on the back of his neck.

"Realx." Minho spinned Jisung so he can see his face. "Feel the rythm Han, let it guide you."

I'll listen to all of the silent cries in your voice
so that you won't grow tired lost in a corner of your heart

"Minho hyung... I really can't dance." Jisung pleaded.

Minho clicked his tongue. Once again he started guiding Jisung's hip. Jisung grabbed Minho's arms. After some minutes Jisung kept doing the move properly. Minho smiled at him making Jisung's heart flutter.

"There you go. You can dance Han. You just need to try it out."

The recording stopped.

Jisung grinned and looked up at Minho. But it was a mistake, their noses touched. Minho's hand snaked around Jisung's waist pulling him closer to his body.

"You are fucking talented Han." He ran his hand in Han's fluffy hair. "The lyrics, the melody and the hidden metaphors... they are just perfect. You are perfect."

Jisung felt like melting. He can't believe that Minho, the guy who rarely praises someone praised him.

Minho hugged him, Jisung wrapping his arms around his shoulders. Oh, how he missed this feeling. Being close to Minho under his warmth. He didn't realize how he was craving more of him day by day. It's like he's addicted. To Jisung, Minho is a drug. A drug that make him go crazy.

Minho hyung, what are you doing to me?

A/N: Happy Valentine's Folks. My friends asked for ice cream today at this new ice cream shop. I'm more than excited to go. I'm finally out of house for valentines.

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